I read all 9 pages of this Thread and enjoyed it very much. Thank you Amanah, for doing this
Sabby wrote,
If Viola is right then the entire protestant church must de-construct it's form, liturgy, methodology, tradition, venues and so on; only then will we become liberated from christian paganism, that is, if it is indeed pagan christianity
Sabby, It is my belief that they will not de-construct on their own. However, I believe that God is getting a group of people together, for the Religious Persecution, that is just around the corner.
Aquilla wrote,
An honest question.... What have we managed to accomplish?
We have the nicest buildings and most bloated organizations and denominations ever... yet society as a whole is largely going to Hades in a hand basket. Are we "playing church" and providing a "Sunday Show" without truly "discipling" believers to REACH their world and make more disciples? We NEVER see a church in the NT seeking to establish "members". The Apostles were always seeking to reach people with the Gospel, disciple them, train them, and send them out to disciple others. In a way... if in 10 years a church see the same families on the same pew doing what they've always done, plus others doing the same that were won during that time... the church has failed. They've only pewed "tithe cows" to keep the money coming in. Sometimes a bone of "ministry" is tossed to them and they teach Sunday School or something largely controlled and quiet. Honestly... Christianity spread through Rome like wildfire because the Apostles discipled people to disciple. Win, train, send. Win, train, send. Win, train send. And they turned one of the greatest empires on earth upside down. And it started with... 120 gathered in an upper room in the South West quarter of Jerusalem. I'd say we haven't truly accomplished anything accept making our ministers the best paid ministers in all of human history
Right Aquilla,
Does anyone know of Pentecostal House Church, close to Muncie, IN. We are probably getting ready to move close to Knoxville, TN, but that may take some time. I am hungry for fellowship with some like minded people.