I believe every government that was capable attempted to hack our election. Most of the hacking was nothing more than standard information gathering. The bigger question is who leaked Hillary's emails?
Some evidence for my position. In previous elections there was news about China hacking the election.
So with that said, if China hacked before I'm sure they hacked this time as well. I'm sure every major government attempted to hack us including the Russians. Why would they not?
The bigger question is what agenda is being pushed by focusing on only mentioning Russia as election hackers. Is there any reason to believe they leaked the info to WikiLeaks instead of someone else?
I believe we will never know for sure but if we ask the right questions I think we might have a better idea:
1. What countries hacked the U.S. elections?
2. Why is only 1 country being mentioned as hacking the election?
3. If more than one country hacked Clinton's emails then how can we pin releasing her emails on the Russians?
4. Were Trumps emails hacked?
5. Why weren't Trumps emails leaked as well?
Right now the focus is on the bottom 2 questions. The belief is that Trumps emails were also hacked and that they weren't leaked while Hillary's were in order to help Trump or to hurt Hillary.
But the first questions are just as important because it opens up the whole world instead of just the Russians.
Also there is a possibility that it was an amateur hacker who got hillarys emails given her less secure email setup and that that person may not have gotten Trumps. While this is possible it's not the scenario I want to focus on.
What country would have gained the most from a Trump President? We really don't have any idea. No one knows how Trump will handle foreign policy. Even Russia wouldn't have known for sure. In my experience other world leaders hate unpredictability. So I can't imagine most any major nation would have supported Trump. There's a few I can see some reasons for though.
Israel, England, Russia. But overall, the possible reasons for these don't seem nearly as compelling as the alternative scenario.
What is the alternative scenario? I can see a great number of countries or individuals that may have wanted to cause harm to Hillary Clinton. In fact, I'm sure I couldn't name half the ones that may.
I think this is the more likely scenario and if this is the case and many could bypass her cyber security then I fear we will never know who did it.
Why is Russia being solely named instead of any other country? That is for political reasons. If honesty was being given to us then we would be told Russia and China and Israel and Britain and Iran and North Korea and pretty much everyone hacked Hillary's emails and everything they could.