Update on situation*dont worry its good news*
So things escalated with our situation and it was really bad. Fortunately God is good and had given us a bit of a heads up the week before during a sunday service with a word from a man of God who was preaching.
So it all went nuts...we survived and prayed through it and then it went nuts again...we prayed through that experience and then my wife found a place for rent in the town we go to church at.
Long story short its 200 deposit, 400 rent no application just a face to face meeting and every but electric is paid.
Its way closer to my job and its across the street from the church.
I work at a rent to own place so getting what we need wont be a problem.
We also just got a very unexpected 300 dollars.
So I think in a couple weeks we will be in a different place that is ours and be out of all that mess.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.