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Old 01-16-2008, 10:47 AM
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Language of spirits

There are various levels of language among spirits. Among them those levels is the sound of music. Even in our own natural world, music is a language understood and relates to peoples of all nations.

The language of the spirits through music have the ability to open and contract the expanse of mind and soul not depending on words but by sound alone. Those sounds do not always have to be in the Western major keys. Bro. A.D. Urshan played the piano and worshipped God in his native minor keys. It was glorious to hear... You could almost hear the angels in glorious worship with him as he fervently sung praises in his native tongue.

He came to Alexandria spending a few days with G.A. and Vesta Lane Mangun. There was a piano in the house. Once he got into this fervent praise in his native tongue. It caught the attention of the neighborhood. When he was finished, there was a large congregation assembled in front of the house also caught up in the glorious sound.

The spiritual quality of music, with or without instruments will levitate or descend reflecting the spiritual mind of the assembly of believers. Yes, spirits are atuned to the sound of music who are called into spiritual harmony with those who sing or play upon instruments of music. Spirits are in attendance, not so much to words but to the sound.

You can call spirits to you by the sound of the music. Dependent upon the quality of the sounds are the quality of spirits, whether they be good or evil spirits. While in attendance, they enter the mind of the one giving attendance to that music, which affects the person for the worse or the good.

There is a universal evolution of the sound of music in modern Pentecost, now going on. I sense a foreboding.
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Old 01-16-2008, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
There are various levels of language among spirits. Among them those levels is the sound of music. Even in our own natural world, music is a language understood and relates to peoples of all nations.

The language of the spirits through music have the ability to open and contract the expanse of mind and soul not depending on words but by sound alone. Those sounds do not always have to be in the Western major keys. Bro. A.D. Urshan played the piano and worshipped God in his native minor keys. It was glorious to hear... You could almost hear the angels in glorious worship with him as he fervently sung praises in his native tongue.

He came to Alexandria spending a few days with G.A. and Vesta Lane Mangun. There was a piano in the house. Once he got into this fervent praise in his native tongue. It caught the attention of the neighborhood. When he was finished, there was a large congregation assembled in front of the house also caught up in the glorious sound.

The spiritual quality of music, with or without instruments will levitate or descend reflecting the spiritual mind of the assembly of believers. Yes, spirits are atuned to the sound of music who are called into spiritual harmony with those who sing or play upon instruments of music. Spirits are in attendance, not so much to words but to the sound.

You can call spirits to you by the sound of the music. Dependent upon the quality of the sounds are the quality of spirits, whether they be good or evil spirits. While in attendance, they enter the mind of the one giving attendance to that music, which affects the person for the worse or the good.

There is a universal evolution of the sound of music in modern Pentecost, now going on. I sense a foreboding.

Do you have a scripture you base this philosophy on?
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Old 01-16-2008, 10:57 AM
Fab Fab is offline
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This is very interesting. Is this a proper explanation of during service - "so goes the music, so goes the service"?
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Old 01-16-2008, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by seguidordejesus View Post
Do you have a scripture you base this philosophy on?

Well, anyway...yes.

Not only from scripture but from much personal experience too.

Search the Word of God where the sound of music is involved. It's from Genesis to Revelation.

Psa 89:15 Blessed [is] the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.
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Old 01-16-2008, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Fab View Post
This is very interesting. Is this a proper explanation of during service - "so goes the music, so goes the service"?

It was once asked of Evan Roberts if England could have the same kind of revival as was in Wales. He said, "Yes, if they can sing."
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Old 01-16-2008, 11:04 AM
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This "philosophy" could be very detrimental to the talent vs. anointed argument.
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Old 01-16-2008, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Fab View Post
This "philosophy" could be very detrimental to the talent vs. anointed argument.
Could we not have both?

David played "skillfully."
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Old 01-16-2008, 11:15 AM
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Yes we can and we should. It is time to progress from the thinking that we have to be off-key and untrained to be Apostolic. If church is so important to us, why not take the time and get it right.
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Old 01-16-2008, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Fab View Post
Yes we can and we should. It is time to progress from the thinking that we have to be off-key and untrained to be Apostolic. If church is so important to us, why not take the time and get it right.
I agree.

In the natural sense, we should practice until se get it "right," allowing for whatever improviations deemed to be in harmony. In the spiritual sense, the heart and soul should seek to "get it right" first. Eventually, the sound of the music will align with and be in harmony with the spiritual condition.
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Old 01-16-2008, 11:53 AM
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There is a family called "The Collingsworth Family", a father and mother

and their four children. The are gaining in popularity and I believe it is

largely because of the protrayed unity of this family. Respect and love

and togetherness are portrayed to the public. This is attractive to many.

With so much disunity in the world today and so much unrest and lack of

peace, it is refreshing to see this family singing and interacting together in

a spirit of love and unity! I have not seen nor heard this family in person,

but have heard on the sample CD's on this website and I do have two DVD's

a wonderful person on this forum has sent me. I hear they will be in our area

next month. Plan to go hear and meet them.

Beautiful harmony can be heard in their voices. I believe they live in harmony

because of some principals in their day to day living. Read their story. I know

it can be done with strong desire to do so. I believe some lessons could be

learned from these people.



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