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Old 03-15-2020, 01:47 AM
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Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

Okay. I just spent some time reading a Q thread over on another forum. A few observations.

1. The Q following is pretty big. I mean it looks like a LOT of Trump supporters are aware of and supportive of the whole Q thing.

2. All the Q people post what amounts to indecipherable gibberish. When asked to lay it out straight they hardly ever do, it's just more vague Nostradamus Quatrain tier stuff. (Hmm... Quatrain...Q...?)

3. But it is possible to get a Big Picture view of what the Q Message (the "Plan'") is basically all about.

4. The President and some of his high level allies in government aregoing to establish martial law and lock down the US very soon.

5. This is so all the general population will stay indoors or off the streets while the military and "white hats" working with Trump chase down and round up all the Bad Guys who have been running society up to now. All the elite illuminati pedophile blood drinking child eating new world order Bad Guys.

6. Public figures announcing they have coronavirus and going into self quarantine are actually being rounded up for secret military tribunals or being shipped to Gitmo etc but everything is still hush hush.

7. Patriotic citizens are being warned to stay off the streets when the lock down happens or they will get hurt by military forces. Everyone just needs to chill at home during martial law because Trump and Co. are taking care of bizness with the Bad Guys and you don't want to get caught in the crossfire.

8. The economy will be crashed and burnt on purpose so after the crackdown a reset will take place, back to gold and silver based money, and a new era of peace and happiness.

9. Something something about alien disclosure, Tesla technology, free energy, cures for all diseases, etc.
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Old 03-15-2020, 01:54 AM
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

So basically it sounds like a MAJOR portion of Trump supporters are ready and willing to ACCEPT MARTIAL LAW and LOCKDOWN.

Before Q, the average not-a-leftist had martial law as THE final "line in the sand" that if crossed would result in several million Americans going full Red Dawn Wolverines! all across the country. Now? Hundreds of thousands of people who were on the brink of armed revolution to "protect and defend the Constitutional Republic" are literally looking forward to martial law, economic crash, and currency reset, overthrow of existing institutions, etc... as a good thing? Support Trump! Support Freedom! Support the upcoming Martial Law lockdown of everybody while secret military mass arrests are carried out!

Huh? Wut? This ain't the "patriot movement" *I* remember from the 80s and 90s. Something fishy going on here...
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Old 03-15-2020, 05:57 AM
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

All I can say, is there’s no business like show business.

Joseph Goebbels Would be proud.

I can hear Hulk Hogan playing “Real American”

I wonder how laborers are going to work at home.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 03-15-2020, 08:11 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

Qbots are stupid. There is no Q. There is no storm coming for the libs and traitors.
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Old 03-15-2020, 08:17 AM
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Qbots are stupid. There is no Q. There is no storm coming for the libs and traitors.
The point is there are LOTS of them, and their fantasy is dangerous.
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Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

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Old 03-15-2020, 09:03 AM
Armapeet.Singh Armapeet.Singh is offline
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

No, this is about the church and the enemy of the church.

Everything is about stopping churches from congregating.

The devils know that this is the focus, stop the church.

It's not about shadow economies, nor about money, but it is about the churches.

And look how many have succumbed, even this week, and stopped their services.

Look at the large churches, Im talking about Pentecostal churches, that have taken the bait and obeyed their real masters.
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Old 03-15-2020, 09:35 AM
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

Originally Posted by Armapeet.Singh View Post
No, this is about the church and the enemy of the church.

Everything is about stopping churches from congregating.

The devils know that this is the focus, stop the church.

It's not about shadow economies, nor about money, but it is about the churches.

And look how many have succumbed, even this week, and stopped their services.

Look at the large churches, Im talking about Pentecostal churches, that have taken the bait and obeyed their real masters.
You are going to keep your doors open?

What if someone with a gun and a really bad cough comes to infect everyone?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-15-2020, 09:37 AM
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The point is there are LOTS of them, and their fantasy is dangerous.

We got to get our eyes off the bug on the toilet paper. Because we are missing the rolls. 🥳👍🏼
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-15-2020, 09:39 AM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Qbots are stupid. There is no Q. There is no storm coming for the libs and traitors.
But they are doing their jobs.

The conditioning is working on many. Or else they would be in the archive with MySpace.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-15-2020, 09:40 AM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: Trust the Plan? WWG1WGA?

Originally Posted by Armapeet.Singh View Post
No, this is about the church and the enemy of the church.

Everything is about stopping churches from congregating.

The devils know that this is the focus, stop the church.

It's not about shadow economies, nor about money, but it is about the churches.

And look how many have succumbed, even this week, and stopped their services.

Look at the large churches, Im talking about Pentecostal churches, that have taken the bait and obeyed their real masters.
20,000 FEMA pastors.

Google it.
Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

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