Originally Posted by KWSS1976
I mean when does it end or does it even end.It can see so far away...
Era of 1 Planck Time
In the era around one Planck time, 10-43 seconds
(after the Big Bang), it is projected by present modeling of the fundamental forces that the gravity force begins to differentiate from the other three forces. This is the first of the spontaneous symmetry breaks which lead to the four observed types of interactions in the present universe.
Looking backward, the general idea is that back beyond 1 Planck time we can make no meaningful observations within the framework of classical gravitation. One way to approach the formulation of the Planck time is presented by Hsu. One of the characteristics of a black hole is that there is an event horizon beyond which we can obtain no information - scales smaller than that are hidden from the outside world. For a given enclosed mass, this limit is on the order of
where G is the gravitational constant and c is the speed of light. But from the uncertainty principle and the DeBroglie wavelength, we can infer that the smallest scale at which we could locate the event horizon would be the Compton wavelength.