"Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God who made them. To help the poor is to honor God."
Proverbs 14:31 (The Living Bible)
Seven days after Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar (formerly Burma) the ruling military junta is still denying entrance visas to humanitarian aid workers and not allowing supplies into the country. The military leaders are simply asking for cash and have already confiscated the few supplies let into the country. The people of Myanmar are suffering from lack of food, water and medication. The threat of sicknesses such as malaria and cholera draws closer with each passing day that supplies are withheld.
There are over 20,000 confirmed dead and over 100,000 feared dead. With the tightly controlled press of Myanmar the shocking details of this disaster are slowly trickling out to the rest of the world. What we do know from our people in Myanmar is that prices of the few basic goods available are skyrocketing. This has caused looting and security threats. Desperate people are willing to go to desperate measures in order to secure food for themselves or their families.
Join us in the first line of defense against this devastation as we pray Burmese victims, rescue operations and the presence of God throughout their nation.
Pray that:
* The tens of thousands of people missing will be found alive, reunited with their families and the estimated one million homeless will find shelter
* Food, clean water and medical supplies will be delivered to the most needy as soon as possible
* Christians in Myanmar will feel the peace and comfort of worldwide prayers
* God's comfort for those who are mourning, that he will provide shelter for those who are homeless
* The government of Myanmar throws off its normal suspicion of foreign agencies and allows humanitarian assistance to come into the country.
* The church and that it can provide a healing touch and Christian witness at this time.
* Our saints in Myanmar will be comforted. It has been reported that of those who survived, most have lost their home.
* Our church people in Yangon have lost their homes and in one situation 5 families are living in the house of another family; we do not know how many other situations are like this at this time.
* Gas has risen to $10.00 a gallon and 2 liters of water is now $1 (usually a few cents)
* The orphanage has major damage as previously reported but some of the children have returned and others are staying at the Bible School compound
* The roads are blocked with wreckage and people are unable to travel in the city of Yangon, but there is a work force clearing the roads
* Our churches in the south part of Yangon - no communication or way to visit
* Our churches in the Irrawaddy delta - no communication or way to visit
* The government warns of snakes and other dangerous creatures freely swimming or roaming the streets and damaged homes and buildings
Just heard that the US has cut off aid to Burma.