The fever must be coming from the swelling in his legs. A while ago I was sitting by him putting a cold bag of ice on his leg and he was talking out of his head telling me we must travel to help build the church on the Brazil boarder town. I was just thinking even when we are so sick things that are in our heart have a way of coming out.
Please remember him in your prayers. Love you folks.
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
Does he have pain in his legs when walking that isn't pain he's previously experienced? Are his legs red and hot to the touch?
If either of these questions are yes, take him to the ER.
His leg especially around the knee is red and very swollen. He is barely able to walk, We tried to go to services Sunday but he overdid it...yesterday we just got us a room and we will stay here today and let him rest his leg and if it does not look better I will take him to the Er. We are going to stay another night in this hotel where he can rest all day.
I have taken him to the doctor 2 times since coming home. We don't have insurance and things are expensive along with all the medicines they prescribe. However he is taking his medicine.
Please pray that he will get better. If he would get well enough to take back to Brazil I have insurance there and know a few people in the hospital that would help me.
I feel like a fish out of water here in the states. Pray for me to know exactly what to do and where to go.
Love you folks.
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear