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07-09-2013, 02:13 PM
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Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Rand Paul hired a racist secessionist as his social media director who celebrates, Lincoln asassinator, John Wilkes Booth's birthday. Great way to enhance the presidential image.

07-10-2013, 08:20 AM
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Rand Paul is a tool and so is his father.
NEVER will they EVER have my support for national or even local office-- as if they'd ever bring their rear ends to Florida!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

07-10-2013, 08:47 AM
Still Figuring It Out.
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
I vote for them every time.

07-10-2013, 11:29 AM
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Here's a great article from the American Conservative that knocks this hit piece down. And that's what this was - a hit piece. One only needs to see the numerous references and quotes from Lindsey Graham to know where they stand and who they stand with. Remember, Graham and McCain HATE Paul and Cruz.
Free Beacon’s attack on Hunter involves cherry-picking quotes, many over a decade old, and referencing his career as the “Southern Avenger,” a pro-wrestling persona, complete with luchador mask, that Hunter adopted as an on-air radio personality and as a columnist for the Charleston City Paper. Did a left-leaning alternative newspaper think they were employing a hate-fueled neo-Confederate? Not hardly: Hunter’s columns were provocative and conservative, but anyone who reads them, while finding plenty to disagree with—he’s an independent thinker—will not find hate. Naïveté, yes, and a certain obtuseness about minorities that’s long been characteristic of the right. Over the five years that I’ve known him, however, Jack has re-examined his thinking and confronted questions of fairness that the right has too often avoided.
The luchador mask was a lark while Jack was in his 20s; today he’s tackling the right’s, and the country’s, most difficult questions in a serious and open way.
Here's what they mean by going back decades to dig for trash
Prior to his radio career, while in his 20s, Hunter was a chairman in the League of the South, which “advocates the secession and subsequent independence of the Southern States from this forced union and the formation of a Southern republic.”
Hunter is 39 or 40.
You fail to mention this, DM...
[Hunter] writes off his attraction to the "fairly radical group" as youthful experimentation. In the interview, Hunter "renounced most of his comments" pulled together by the publication.
Now regarding his honoring John Wilkes Booth, I'm not an expert on Libertarian politics, but it would fit that any Libertarian would be against Abraham Lincoln - as depicted in Hunt's article.
If you are a patriotic American who believes in the ideals of Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and George Washington -- then you cannot at the same time honor Abraham Lincoln. That’s like praising Jesus and worshipping Satan simultaneously. In fact, the Founding Fathers most likely would have snatched Lincoln up by his beard and hung him from the nearest tree. Lincoln’s war empowered the federal government beyond the wildest imaginations of any of the Founders and modern Americans can thank Abe Lincoln for laying the groundwork that led to the bloated Federal bureaucracy that taxes us to death today.
We might not even have had a federal income tax if it weren’t for him.
I see nothing wrong with that assessment. If that makes a person a "racist secessionist," then I would imagine there are millions like that in the US.
Enough with digging out trash from the past. You accuse him of being racist, let's see if that's true or not.
Read what this "racist" wrote about " Why Gay Marriage Isn't the '60s Civil Rights Fight."
The 20-something me would consider the 30-something me a bleeding-heart liberal. Though I still hate political correctness, I no longer find it valuable to attack PC by charging off in the opposite direction, making insensitive remarks that even if right in fact were so wrong in form. I’m not the first political pundit to use excessive hyperbole. I might be one of the few to admit being embarrassed about it.
Seems Mr. Hunter may have changed a bit from what how he believed in his 20s.
This embarrassment is particularly true concerning my own region, the South, where slavery, segregation, and institutional racism left a heavy mark. I still detest those on the left and right who exploit racial tension for their own purposes. But I detest even more the inhumanity suffered by African-Americans in our early and later history. T.S. Eliot said, “humankind cannot bear too much reality,” and it is impossible for those of us living in the new millennium to comprehend that absolute horror of being treated like chattel by your fellow man, or being terrorized by your neighbors, because of the color of your skin.
Man, DM/Jermyn, sounds like a HUGE racist and bigot to me!
Let's read more of his article, written in April of this year...
Books, memorials, and museums will never be able to adequately convey such tragedy, at least not in any manner remotely comparable to the pain of those who lived it.
My purpose here is not to belittle the fight for gay marriage, only to note that those who keep attempting to draw a reasonable comparison to the struggle of African-Americans are in many ways belittling the black experience in the United States.
DM - if you're going to level a charge against someone, you may want to read more about who's writing the hit piece, what information they're using, and - oh yah - might want to read what the accused is writing or doing now.

07-10-2013, 12:00 PM
Still Figuring It Out.
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Great post ND

07-10-2013, 06:46 PM
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
nd, i got better things to do than research a former or current racist. i could care less about the idiot. my point is, why would rand paul associate with such baggage whether it be current or in the past? any rand paul opponent is not going to concede this issue. race and secession are hot button issues that can inflame an electorate on either side of the issue. so your defense of this individual is meaningless. opponents will exploit the issue whether or not it is current. not to mention rand's earlier statements on businesses required to obey civil rights law, it all fits together in a meaningful storyline. rand paul's libertarianism has a racial tinge will be the line of attack, like it or not.

07-10-2013, 07:52 PM
Still Figuring It Out.
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
nd, i got better things to do than research a former or current racist. i could care less about the idiot. my point is, why would rand paul associate with such baggage whether it be current or in the past? any rand paul opponent is not going to concede this issue. race and secession are hot button issues that can inflame an electorate on either side of the issue. so your defense of this individual is meaningless. opponents will exploit the issue whether or not it is current. not to mention rand's earlier statements on businesses required to obey civil rights law, it all fits together in a meaningful storyline. rand paul's libertarianism has a racial tinge will be the line of attack, like it or not.
Of course it will be the line of attack. What else can they conjure up? And since much of the public is ready to act upon their prejudices and, without regard for truth, call these men racists people just jump on it like a hog on slop.
Isn't it amazing that racism can be levied so quickly on one person because of the prejudices of the other. Amazing... simply amazing.

07-10-2013, 08:05 PM
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
nd, i got better things to do than research a former or current racist. i could care less about the idiot. my point is, why would rand paul associate with such baggage whether it be current or in the past? any rand paul opponent is not going to concede this issue. race and secession are hot button issues that can inflame an electorate on either side of the issue. so your defense of this individual is meaningless. opponents will exploit the issue whether or not it is current. not to mention rand's earlier statements on businesses required to obey civil rights law, it all fits together in a meaningful storyline. rand paul's libertarianism has a racial tinge will be the line of attack, like it or not.
You have born false witness against someone, have been exposed, have refused to repent....and are therefore on your way to hell. But it is truly evident which candidate and philosophy you fear the most.

07-10-2013, 08:07 PM
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Rand Paul is a tool and so is his father.
NEVER will they EVER have my support for national or even local office-- as if they'd ever bring their rear ends to Florida!
That is such a shame Jeremy. It is apparent you are clueless as to what the Pauls believe. Their policies would do more to lift African Americans that those of any other candidate.

07-11-2013, 08:03 AM
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Re: Rand Paul Tied To Racist Secessionist!!!
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
nd, i got better things to do than research a former or current racist. i could care less about the idiot.
So you don't care that what you posted is largely false and misleading?
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
my point is, why would rand paul associate with such baggage whether it be current or in the past? any rand paul opponent is not going to concede this issue. race and secession are hot button issues that can inflame an electorate on either side of the issue.
People change. Ronald Reagan was a Democrat as a young man, then changed to the Republican Party. Others have done the same. The point isn't what someone said in their 20s. Good grief, if I was held to what I believed and did in my 20s...
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
so your defense of this individual is meaningless. opponents will exploit the issue whether or not it is current. not to mention rand's earlier statements on businesses required to obey civil rights law, it all fits together in a meaningful storyline. rand paul's libertarianism has a racial tinge will be the line of attack, like it or not.
It's only meaningless to you because you don't care what the actual truth is. You read a hit piece, it fit your narrative, so you went with it.
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