Re: Can Women Pastor ?
The jewelry was a sign of their haughtiness. How is that not clear as the day?
Of course the true sin was thier attitudes. I don't think RDP is disputing that. That doesn't mean God did not make note that the jewelry was the sign of the bad attitude.
Did God adorn the peopel with jewelry? Yes. When they were leaving Egypt I recall He told them to take all the gold and jewels they could. He had a reason too. When they built the Tabernacle Moses called upon the people to GIVE all those things fo rth ebuilding of the Tabernacle. So God told them to take them because down the road they would be reqired of them.
Obviously some kept their shiny stuff instea dof giving it. Others likely got caught up in their shiny toys and got a bad attitude about it. Isaiah addresses women who got haughty and vain....and the symbol was their jewelry.
Can a woman wear it and not have abad attitude? I would say yes. But I would also say why wear something God so clearly associated with vanity and haughtiness?