Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
Thank you! And he says thank you! I thought it was very good too!
Sorry it took so long to respond. Just got back a few hrs ago from having a epidural injection... No fun but I think this one might have worked! I am so out of it but hey... thats ok! They used something different to put me to sleep this time and when I woke up I told the nurse I felt out of it... she was like... well duh you just had surgery! I said yes I was aware of this but this time just seemed different... And the stuff they put in my iv to put me to sleep this time hurttttttttttt going in and when I had the one done a month ago I felt nothing...
Oh well its over and God willing this will be the last one for a while! Now if I didnt have such a loving hubby forcing me to stay in bed for the 3 days I am supposed to be in bed... I could actually have a life LOL
Hey no problem! I didn't realize you were having surgery again...boy girl, nobody goes through it like you do!!!
I mean if it can happen, it happens to you guys!
I'm glad your hubby is home to make you stay in bed, because i know you will not if someone needs to be picked up at school or you need to run to the store...you are a BAD girl!!! LOL
Love ya!