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Old 11-22-2007, 06:48 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
The only problem with your plan would perhaps be personal knowledge of the some of the "worldly" boys at Bible College. Oh, they look good on the outside, but unless you believe in a repeat immaculate conception, they contribute to some of the girls coming home from Bible College "in the family way".

I can also name several who attended Bible College and ended up alcoholics and drugs addicts. And as I recall the high defender of the UPC theology (DB)chose a "secular" education.

Perhaps part of the problem would be the thought that one must attend a Bible College to be grounded in "eternal things". Most of our churches and families are failing our youth in Bible teaching. If one cannot be a witness in a "secular" college, and grow as a Christian there, then Christianity does not deserve to survive another generation in this country.

"Don't go to secular college because you will backslide" is an unfortunate mentality which has handicapped the Apostolic movement, not enhanced it.

Having said that, Bible College does have its place, especially in ministerial and music training. For example, my oldest daughter is attending college to get a nursing degree, after which she will probably spend 2-3 years at a Pentecostal College studying music (at the moment she is leaning toward Indiana, since JCM is no longer an option).

Tim and Darla. Congratulations!!!!
I know some here didn't take me seriously, and for that I just say, let my reputation put all things into context!!!!

...but seriously, I had baseball offers from ORU and now I wish I had looked into college like Azusa, Masters, Pepperdine, etc. The first year at college is always the most difficult.

I believe there is something good to be said about mainstream Christian colleges where folks don't have their heads jammed into the sand for fear of false doctrine and aren't afraid to give their testimony and to attend chapel service daily.

I agree that the Apostolic movement is hampered by the fear of secular education and it is even more unfortunate that folks and worse, PASTORS, cannot trust the training, instruction, prayer, and effort they put into their kids so they can make the right decisions.

I believe Apostolica has their heads in the sand on lots of issues and only now can some actually see the sun and they only have sand in their ears.

Bravo Tim, I tip my hat to you and your daughter!!!
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