Originally Posted by consapente89
I understand. Yet, when it comes down to it you’ll have to understand they did in fact drink wine. If it wasn’t then it shouldn’t be called that.
There are absolutes in the word, Like it or not, drinking wine is not an absolute. However, getting drunk is an absolute, yet, Paul said not to be given to
MUCH wine. He told Timothy, take a
LITTLE wine for thy stomachs sake. If drinking wine at all was an “absolutely not”, then Paul shouldn’t say “much” or “little”. You may say, that’s ridiculous, yet what about the absolute of adultery? Is there anywhere in the word that allows you to oust after a women just a little, or not much?
There are something that I have been taught in the ultra con (conservative) camp that I have to see if this was ever rooted for the word or doctrine of man.