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Old 12-09-2017, 08:35 PM
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Re: Seconds of Pre Embryonic Life of Jesus Christ?

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
My original post was about who is deity and that there is something wrong with the accepted teaching about who Jesus actually is.
The apostles said Jesus (the man from Galilee) is "our great God and Saviour", that the great mystery of the faith is that "God was manifest in the flesh", that Jesus Christ is "first and last, Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, the Almighty", that the Word which was God was made flesh, that the Rock in the Exodus wilderness was Christ (though Moses says it was Jehovah). And many other such things.

So we, as Christians, must accept as true BOTH types of Scriptural statements, the ones that show Jesus is the anointed, sent, chosen Son of God, the mediator, the sin-offering, the Son of David, the Son of Mary... AND that He is also our great God and Saviour, Immanuel (God-With-Us), the Word Made Flesh, the Alpha and Omega, the Rock of Israel, etc.

Those are the boundaries given by the scriptures, and within those boundaries there may be so many various opinions. And some opinions are worth more than others, some more accurate than others. But any opinion that goes OUTSIDE the boundaries set by scripture is simply error and heresy.

The scriptures are not a collection of paint by number pop-up children's picture books. Although any simple person can accept and believe what it says, it is nevertheless undeniable there are some things that are "hard to understand" that require prayerful diligent study. After all, every Christian is supposed to be a disciple (student).

So we should expect to see some "difficulties" and what may seem like (or even be) paradoxes.
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