Originally Posted by n david
Please review what Stoneking said. He did not say the walls of Jericho fell because of a decibel level. In fact, nothing was said about decibel levels at all, just a shout to God.
"There is unlimited potential in this auditorium. God spoke to me just about 30 minutes ago and told me that if you would do a certain thing, that He would totally deliver you from all fear and inhibitions. I'm not sure I understand this, but in the Old Testament, people would shout at the command of God and walls would come down, enemies would be discomfitted, battles would become won. And I thought to myself, what is it about shouting that would cause such a tremendous manifestation of power. With a little study, I found out that there is something about the human voice, that when it shouts, it shreds the air. The devil is the prince and power of the air. So I understand, then, that if the people of God will shout....(inaudible)"
"It's happening. It's happening. The devil's kingdom is being shredded, and the demonstration of ...(inaudible)... power is upon you. You can cause the lame to walk. You can cause the blind to see. You cause the deaf to hear. You can raise the dead. Because it is written, 'These signs shall follow them that believe. In my Name, in my Name, they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues. They, believers, shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.' They shall recover. They shall recover. It's on you. It's on you. It's on you. If you will clap your hands and shout with your voice, God will deliver you from all fear. 'I deliver you from all fear,' saith the Lord. 'I deliver you from all inhibitions,' said the Lord. That's it! Clap your hands, all ye people, and shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph!"
I see nowhere in there where he says they will cause the lame to walk, blind to see, deaf to hear, dead to live -- because of a decibel level. He gives scripture as to why/how it will happen.
The reason for the shout was because he said God spoke to him and, as God did in the OT, commanded the people to shout and He would deliver them.
If you can't agree with that, or believe that's sensationalism, then good grief. I have nothing else to say.
I believe you will look back and see that I stated, "Everything else he said was scriptural and correct."
My take away from viewing the video clip is that the youth had a profound belief that if they moved, God would move, and they were at just the right place to want God to move.
Looking over the statement, if he left out the words in bold, he would have gotten the same response from the audience. So, IMO, it was unnecessary, and like the magic hair, puts the focus on us and not on God. Everything else he said focused on God.
That is my opinion, and I stick by that. However, when our youth came back, the focus was on noise. It is problematic to me, as you stated in another post:
Originally Posted by n david
I could agree we shouldn't focus solely on the noise of the shout. A Christian living just for the shout is as vulnerable as one who believes the prosperity doctrine. What happens when the shout is gone, or the trials come? What's the source of the shout?
I don't believe you can traverse between two opinions.