Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Like making up fantastic stories of imaginary women locked in nonexistant caves is unethical. Small wonder these two work together. LOL
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Lee Stoneking's lying tongue is what brought me to this thread.
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
The wives of bin laden in the cave story was a deliberate lie, just as posting pictures of a play and calling it a service a deliberate misrepresentation.
The real wives of bin laden were interviewed at length. Their names and stories are readily accessed. The cave story wasnt just a lie, it was a stupid one.
Lee Stoneking did not claim to baptize these women. He was told this happened by someone he knew.
Had Lee Stoneking claimed he personally baptized, or was even present, when it occurred, that would have been a lie.
Simply relaying a story you've been told by someone you know is not telling a lie, else every single one of us would be guilty.
Since you claim Stoneking is a liar because he made the mistake of believing this story and sharing it while he preached, I guess all the Pastors and ministers who believed the Jewish Revival story are all liars as well.
Once again, in trying to bust a preacher for lying, you've lied yourself and libeled him in the process. Stoneking did not lie about this. He did not claim to baptize these women. He simply repeated something which was told to him. That is NOT lying.
A decent person would acknowledge this and apologize, but I know you won't.
Instead of make posts accusing these ministers of lying, you should work on your own issues of lying. In this thread alone you've lied, falsely accused, libeled and misled with your claims and accusations.
Not sure why Admin allows you to continue to do this.