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Old 09-15-2014, 02:55 PM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
I have won hundreds to the Lord over the years(free of charge), just to send them into the "booby trap" of tithing. The Lord has stopped me in my tracks to address this "heresy"in the last few years.

Tithe teachers have "run off" untold numbers of souls because of this unbiblical to the New Testament, forced giving requirement.(when they discover it is not a New Testament requirement or they just cant endure the "condemnation" anymore.)

We need money, oh yes...but not by "coercion"·er·cion
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment, intimidation, threats, arm-twisting, pressure

This is EXACTLY what tithe teachers do when they teach mandatory giving. The world sees that and is abhorred by this. And these tithe teachers just flip their nose at the world and say..."then you cant be saved".

I have personally observed this for 35 years now. I know exactly what I am talking about.

We just win one, lose one, win one, lose one....the cycle continues, but the tithe teacher makes a killing in the process.

Well the game is over....The Lord Jesus is DEMANDING for us to restructure our giving methods!

I agree with you that tithing is not a practice of the New Covenant Church. The New Covenant Church taught freewill giving and having all things common. They certainly never taught any such thing as a regular paid salary for Preachers.

And just as bad (to me even worse) many Apostolics will bring a new convert in and then tell the men they are unholy because their wearing a beard and the women they commit sin if they ever trim their hair!

But as bad as these things are they are small compared to the foundational errors.

What could be worse for believers than those things already mentioned?

To start the pre trib rapture. Assuring trusting believers they wont have to face the end time persecutions setting them up to fall when it comes knocking on their door.

Then we have the doctrine of "immortal soul". In this preachers do away with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The good news is no longer the resurrection of the dead but rather instant Heaven!

And then since they have ascribed to men to already be immortal they teach the lost will be burning in the flame of Gehenna for millions, no wait, billions, no wait, trillions of years and yet their punishment has hardly even begun!

And as bad as these are perhaps the worse is the doctrine that the Christian need not be perfect to enter the kingdom of Heaven. That even with spots, wrinkles, and blemishes they can still enter! Assuming of course they have been diligent to shave. And if the women have not trimmed their hair. If they have diligently paid their tithes and have been faithful in Church attendance!

All the while Apostolic libs and cons agree that one need not be perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect.

So I do think Jesus is engaging his people on all heretical beliefs. They will one day be corrected probably in the great tribulation before Christ comes. Nonetheless we should be doing what we can to restore the doctrine of Christ in the earth.
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