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Old 06-12-2014, 09:56 PM
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Re: Marty Ballestero doesn't LIKE facial hair on m

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I don't even know you. There is no way I would say or even think that. It's just that, in this thread, where there is beard discussion and you seem to take the conservative side of that, you quote a bunch of posts about scorners. How do you suppose that might come across to those of us with the other view?
Exactly. Instead of addressing the issue of beards "biblically", instead it's easier to take a rabbit trail down the "scorner" path to detract from the fact that there is not an ounce of scripture to back up the "no beards" doctrine.

Why not be honest, and admit it is only a personal preference, and certainly not a heaven/hell issue?

For the record, my personal preference for my husband is to shave, but he has worn a beard off and on, but finds he prefers to be clean shaven himself. It certainly should be a personal preference, and not be a doctrine to use to browbeat folks into heaven or hell.
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