Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11
These are the exact words from my friend:
Exactly! She & the others on here have been both shown & told this over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over..........& OVER!
What do they do? What "women-preachers" always do - ignore the grammar, context, syntax, exegesis, & plain biblical facts - & stubbornly plod along with their fingers in their ears.
It's called "gentle rebellion" & "sweet defiance" to God's Word (I realize you already know this) .
I really am nothing...just a dumb woman that cannot understand according to you...that is ok...really that is all I am....however in my dumbness and in all your insults and calling me have not changed the call of God in my life....I will keep on telling the people about my keep on preaching...and judgement day will reveal all things...I have no desire or intent to insult you or anyone...whether you are my friend or not I am sure you Love Him and you work for Him...Whatever personal feelings I have about those that do not believe in women preachers or any other thing for that matter will never be revealed on this or any other forum...some things are best to leave in the hands of God...
You will not find me tearing you down...keep on preaching my brother....each soul you win is one more that has escaped hell...
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