Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
Really? If AM doesn't have a problem with it neither do you? Do you think for yourself? Do you recognize arrogance, insolence, and hate when you see it? Or it OK if it comes from your side?
PO you are so much smarter than that.
Normally, I just read AFF posts and I don't have to think, right?
Seriously, I would want to hear the whole sermon. And I never have had a problem with JA's preaching style. But, I think there are some times where you can insert the word "idiot" in the wrong place. This is probably one example. Mainly, because the audience was shocked even knowing him so well. After listening to it a couple of times, I got used to it and blew it off.
Anyway, I still am of the opinion that if AM doesn't have a problem with JA, neither do I.