Originally Posted by renee819
In Need of a Re-filling?
Votive explained something that I had been thinking about.
To you that teach, preach, operate under the 'gifts of the Spirit,” afterwards, do you feel drained?
A few times I have given chalk-sermons in churches. Afterwards I would feel like I did a miserable job. (Others didn't think so) But then I would also feel like I was drained, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Also when I pray at home, in travail, with unknown tongues, I feel the same way. I have asked God about that and by Votive bringing to my mind, the scripture, where virtue left Jesus to flow out to heal. I believe that is the answer.
Also I have a question for those that have the 'gift of divers tongues.” Is there a way to know the difference in a Re-filling and unknown tongues?
Just a side bar... what is a chalk-sermon?
In response to your post, I have definitely encountered this as well. I've not heard it discussed before. Although I don't think that the virtue or spirit has diminished in any way, but more that the physical man is exhausted.
Spending time alone with the Lord is the best way to refresh oneself, which is why I believe the gospels record Jesus leaving the crowds to go into the desert or the mountains to pray after spending the day healing and ministering to the people.