Originally Posted by LUKE2447
Faith is obedience. You are not in Christ unless you are obedient from the heart and offer yourself wholly to him.
Recipe for damnation.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It is reckoning that which isn't presently perceivable as being so. By faith I accept, and reckon it so, that Christ's very own righteousness is imputed to me. It isn't predicated upon my works... it's predicated upon His... the cross.
One isn't in Christ unless Christ is in them. When Christ abides in us through the Holy Spirit, in that day we accept by faith that Father is in Him, He in us, and we in Him. Oneness with Christ through the Holy Spirit. Obedience is the byproduct of our partaking of His divine nature. Obedience doesn't earn the divine nature or salvation... it is the result of the indwelling divine nature.
I have to comment on something...
You are not in Christ unless you are obedient from the heart and offer yourself wholly to him.
God doesn't want you to give yourself wholly to Him. In fact, that's part of the problem for most. They want to give something detestable to God, the self. God isn't impressed with your self or your actions. In fact, God desires that your self be ERADICATED. That it be CRUCIFIED with Christ. That your very identity might fade into oblivion and that Christ be formed in you. God doesn't want you to give yourself to Him. He wants to kill your "self" and change your nature, making you holy not because of what you do... but because of what you are.
The only giving of self to God... is the giving of self that God might crucify it in Christ Jesus. After that, it's not by works of obedience, but by faith and a transformed nature.