Originally Posted by LUKE2447
Besides the serious lack of actually saying that you do realize the huge flaw in this don't you? We are sinners because like Adam we sin. Because of Adam and his curse man is given a weakened condition of provision. Thus "many" where made sinners because of Adam's sin.
Just take what Paul said. Adam's act made us sinners, and it did not say it made us prey for being sinners due to a curse.
Rom 5:19 For even as through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted [or, caused to be] sinners, so also through the obedience of the one [Man], the many will be constituted righteous. ALT
What "caused us" to sin? A sin nature or the curse for man to provide for himself and see death which made him care for his life as a influence? Man original position was of life without fear or knowledge. Mans curse is knowledge that makes faith questionable.
Man's curse is knowledge. Where are you getting this from? God did not curse man. And knowledge was not a curse either. God only cursed the ground for man's sake.
ADAM'S INFLUENCE was due toa curse because of his sin in which he had to toil and provide and also realize death. Adam and EVe received a lie that questioned God given knowledge, truth or not. They sinned. We improperly evaluate as well the depth a gravity of life and right and wrong, death and hell.
MAN/ADAM by himself in the flesh sinned as did Eve. We are brought to righeousness by Christ because Christ is beyond the flesh and the perfection
of God made known to man. Thus Adams original condition was passed to man which did not have a divine nature but dependant on God so even we are now. Because one mans sin death passed to all men. = no tree of life. BEcause one man sinned many where made sinners = no divine communion to be perfected in law but weakness in the flesh to do. The consistent contrast of Paul is Spirit vs through the weakness of flesh to do. Are you perfected by the flesh or by the Spirit? Not that the flesh has a "sin nature" but that flesh in itself is not Spiritual nor can it know the mind of God. It is only partial aspect of mans need in this existance. Man needs divine guidance. The flesh simply seeks it own and the mind responds and hears and is influenced by hunger, thirst, pain, or being tired. Man was put in a diffcult situation thus his tendency of man in relation to the curse would cause or influence man to sin under the conditions. Also we are righteous because we obey the gospel. Heb 5:9 We don't have something imputed simply without a response. Your view lack any justice of God toward man.
Here again is your legalism coming forth. We are not righteous because of obedience. Christ is made our righteousness, and being in Christ alone makes us righteous. What made us righteous in
2 Cor 54:21? Obedience? No. Christ became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God IN HIM.
Col. 1 shows that God is in Christ, and we are put IN CHRIST by faith, and thereby are also made righteous.
This works based righteousness of yours has to distort what
Romans 5 says cannot work with
2 Cor 5:21. You cannot get away from righteousness being justice. Righteousness is RIGHT STANDING as well. That has not room in your theology, though. Your view makes the flesh put its two cents' worth in there every time, and it leads to boasting.