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notofworks 05-26-2010 10:00 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by preacher238 (Post 917271)
Alright enough...Whoever the coward is that copied and pasted this from APF ought to man up and tell who he is.

As to the rest, you guys are just sad, pitiful, little children...just whining about being banned from forums. Face it, you got banned because you crossed the line and when told you crossed the line, you got your feelings hurt and said stuff you should not have.

And BTW, this place IS a rotting cesspool of compromise. I have never seen folks justify stuff like you folks do over here. Probably why I don't fit in over here.

Jason, YOU were the one who could not accurately answer questions about tithing...all you could do was resort to childish retorts and taunts....face it, dude, you got your feelings hurt because you got banned...nothing more, nothing less.

Can I just jump in here and let you know, my dear preacher man, that as far as the core principles of what I believe???........I have not a single OUNCE of compromise.

Just wanted to throw that in.

MissBrattified 05-26-2010 10:01 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by Hoovie (Post 917293)
What? Pel prefaced his posts by affectionately making reference to our "Sister Forum" and now this?

What are we, the red-headed stepchild??

Why can't it ever be a blonde stepchild? Why are all stepchildren apparently of Irish descent???? :pullhair

notofworks 05-26-2010 10:02 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 917297)
Why can't it ever be a blonde stepchild? Why are all stepchildren apparently of Irish descent???? :pullhair

Now I'm with you, B-girl!!! I can't STAND "red-headed step child."

RandyWayne 05-26-2010 10:03 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 917297)
Why can't it ever be a blonde stepchild? Why are all stepchildren apparently of Irish descent???? :pullhair

Bee cause wee have'l had a wee bit too much of the consumption.

pelathais 05-26-2010 10:06 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by pelathais (Post 917280)
Why do you even suspect that your "culprit" posts here on AFF? The only thing that even I know for certain is that he/she posts or at least reads APF; at least apparently so. It may have passed through other hands before that. Dunno.


Originally Posted by mrnbcox (Post 917289)
I posted on the original thread you copied to here. Not ashamed of it, didn't have to hide me. You on the other hand broke APF rules. I believe there is a thread waiting for a response from you....

How do you know the "guilty party" will even see your post here on AFF mrnbcox? Like I told one of the respected elders in a PM - I received this thread and sat on it for a bit until some folks started to complain about "cons" not being given enough "respect." I really can't vouch for it's genesis nor account for its entire journey to me.

This "cut-and-paste" portion of a thread is mild stuff compared to other things I've been given over the last couple of years. Yet it really got some folk's dander up. What if everything had to be open and available for review? I think many people would watch themselves and consider their tone before hitting "Submit."

Let this be a fair warning. Every idle word will be judged - maybe even in this life! Gossip and back biting has a way of coming around full circle. I know that I'll be trying to do better myself - and everything I say is right out in the open.

Hoovie 05-26-2010 10:14 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise
"I think, we as pastors, should not allow the young ministers we have under us to go and read that garbage. We as older ministers need to "mark them" and avoid them ourselves and not take the chance that our younger ministers will be able to defeat their thinking."

I live in a conservative manner - likely not much different than the average APF member.
However the quote at the top is where I would draw the line. The free flow of information and dialog should not be infringed upon. Especially when we are are talking adults and fellow ministers - young or not.

IMO that type of thinking backfires. Always. It may take a while but it will foster duplicity, and hypocrisy among those "young ministers we have under us".

Hoovie 05-26-2010 10:17 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 917297)
Why can't it ever be a blonde stepchild? Why are all stepchildren apparently of Irish descent???? :pullhair

:ursofunny What? are you a spokeswoman for NOW now?

MissBrattified 05-26-2010 10:17 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by Hoovie (Post 917312)
:ursofunny What? are you a spokeswoman for NOW now?

Are you wanting a swift kick in the shins? :razz

MissBrattified 05-26-2010 10:18 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by Hoovie (Post 917309)
"I think, we as pastors, should not allow the young ministers we have under us to go and read that garbage. We as older ministers need to "mark them" and avoid them ourselves and not take the chance that our younger ministers will be able to defeat their thinking."

Wow...that is a really frightening quote.

Hoovie 05-26-2010 10:20 PM

Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise

Originally Posted by pelathais (Post 917303)
How do you know the "guilty party" will even see your post here on AFF mrnbcox? Like I told one of the respected elders in a PM - I received this thread and sat on it for a bit until some folks started to complain about "cons" not being given enough "respect." I really can't vouch for it's genesis nor account for its entire journey to me.

This "cut-and-paste" portion of a thread is mild stuff compared to other things I've been given over the last couple of years. Yet it really got some folk's dander up. What if everything had to be open and available for review? I think many people would watch themselves and consider their tone before hitting "Submit."

Let this be a fair warning. Every idle word will be judged - maybe even in this life! Gossip and back biting has a way of coming around full circle. I know that I'll be trying to do better myself - and everything I say is right out in the open.

How true. No doubt we are all guilty to degree.

Pel, could you lead us in the sinners prayer, please?

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