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Walks_in_islam 05-19-2014 06:33 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by Sean (Post 1314092)
You need to see my explanation of the Godhead. it works just fine with the above passage. I can post it or you may go look at it.
Let me know if you want to see it.

Its under "oneness questions" on page 4 of the fellowship hall. (last post)

Not the slightest bit interested my friend in "your" explanation of anything.

How 'bout you explain how God gave Jesus the "revelation of Jesus Christ" if they are one and the same, or explain how Jesus "made us kings and priests to HIS God and Father" if they are one and the same and don't bounce around like that peddling preacher does every time someone puts a straight, copied and pasted passage down for him to explain what it means.

Nothing in this chapter remotely implies that Jesus and God are the same, but over and over it clearly separates the two from one another and defers Jesus to God.

It's there in front of you. Explain. It's infallible right? Go

Sean 05-19-2014 06:35 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?
It figures...now that is what I call open mindedness.

mfblume 05-19-2014 06:40 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by jfrog (Post 1314007)
God is the only almighty. The speaker in Revelation 1:8 is indicated as being the Lord. All throughout the Old Testament and even throughout much of the new testament the title "Lord" is mostly used in reference to God himself. If you do not believe that point I can find examples.

No argument there.


So, God himself declares to be the almighty in verse 1:8. There's no guess work about who is talking there, the scriptures plainly tell us, thus "saith the Lord".

Where does Jesus claim to be the Almighty I don't see it?
He says HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. And if the Almighty is the Alpha and Omega, then that means logically that Jesus is the Almighty.

A= Alpha and Omega

If A=B
and A=C
then it stands to reason that B=C

Why can you not see that?

FlamingZword 05-19-2014 06:40 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam (Post 1314094)
Not the slightest bit interested my friend in "your" explanation of anything.

How 'bout you explain how God gave Jesus the "revelation of Jesus Christ" if they are one and the same, or explain how Jesus "made us kings and priests to HIS God and Father" if they are one and the same and don't bounce around like that peddling preacher does every time someone puts a straight, copied and pasted passage down for him to explain what it means.

Nothing in this chapter remotely implies that Jesus and God are the same, but over and over it clearly separates the two from one another and defers Jesus to God.

It's there in front of you. Explain. It's infallible right? Go

Side Question

What is Halal meat?
Is it offered to idols?

Walks_in_islam 05-19-2014 07:03 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by mfblume (Post 1314096)
No argument there.

He says HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. And if the Almighty is the Alpha and Omega, then that means logically that Jesus is the Almighty.

A= Alpha and Omega

If A=B
and A=C
then it stands to reason that B=C

Why can you not see that?

Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first-born out of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth; to him who did love us, and did bathe us from our sins in his blood,

6 and did make us kings and priests to his God and Father, to him [is] the glory and the power to the ages of the ages! Amen.

His God and Father is the Almighty. The gentleman is otherwise right. JESUS never declares himself to be the "Almighty" in this chapter (or anywhere else)

You can howl "A, B, and C" all you want to. "Jesus says He is Almighty" and "this chapter says Jesus is the Almighty" is not true.

Walks_in_islam 05-19-2014 07:04 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by Sean (Post 1314095)
It figures...now that is what I call open mindedness.

The fact that you can't explain a simple basic text has nothing to do with my "mindedness" friend

mfblume 05-19-2014 07:06 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam (Post 1314100)
Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first-born out of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth; to him who did love us, and did bathe us from our sins in his blood,

And the Almighty, since He is Alpha and Omega (verse 11) and the Almighty is the Alpha and Omega (verse 8).


6 and did make us kings and priests to his God and Father, to him [is] the glory and the power to the ages of the ages! Amen.

His God and Father is the Almighty. The gentleman is otherwise right. JESUS never declares himself to be the "Almighty" in this chapter (or anywhere else)
He sure does. If the Alpha and Omega claims to be the Almighty and Jesus is the Alpha and Omega in verse 11, then He claimed to be Almighty. Ignore it all you like, but He said it.


You can howl "A, B, and C" all you want to. "Jesus says He is Almighty" and "this chapter says Jesus is the Almighty" is not true.
Sorry, it is true. You refuse to accept it is all.

Walks_in_islam 05-19-2014 07:06 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword (Post 1314097)
Side Question

What is Halal meat?
Is it offered to idols?

"Sheikh Wiki" or "Sheikh Google" can give you all the information on Halal that you wish

mfblume 05-19-2014 07:06 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?
Walks in Islam,

How many Alpha and Omegas are there?

Walks_in_islam 05-19-2014 07:08 PM

Re: Why Do You Believe Jesus is God?

Originally Posted by mfblume (Post 1314102)
And the Almighty, since He is Alpha and Omega (verse 11) and the Almighty is the Alpha and Omega (verse 8).

He sure does. If the Alpha and Omega claims to be the Almighty and Jesus is the Alpha and Omega in verse 11, then He claimed to be Almighty. Ignore it all you like, but He said it.

Sorry, it is true. You refuse to accept it is all.

What's hard, fast, and true is that this chapter does not say "Jesus is the Almighty" (nor does any other chapter or verse) but it specifically separates Jesus from God is several locations.

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