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navygoat1998 08-08-2012 10:43 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 (Post 1180477)
How was "Life After Legalism?"
I guess I need some of that...

Mark it was a good book and a easy read. Somethings I agreed with some I did not but over very good. He has come out of where we many here have but he does not bash doctrine or people from his past. God is using him to help people get set from the bondage of works.

On another note do you have family in Saint Jo, Mo? My birth last name was Whittington until my mom got remarried when I was a little kid.

bbyrd009 08-08-2012 10:02 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by Dordrecht (Post 1180490)
Reading the koran right now.

Oh, stop. U R not.

bbyrd009 08-08-2012 10:07 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by navygoat1998 (Post 1180498)
Mark it was a good book and a easy read. Somethings I agreed with some I did not but over very good. He has come out of where we many here have but he does not bash doctrine or people from his past. God is using him to help people get set from the bondage of works.

On another note do you have family in Saint Jo, Mo? My birth last name was Whittington until my mom got remarried when I was a little kid.

Not that I'm aware of...Baton Rouge, I think my dad's parents pretty much hailed from; but that was by the time I was born, and I know they moved a lot before that. She was Daisy, and I never met Gdad, can't recall his name at the moment. Possibly Russell or Wayne? Retired Standard Oil Co., I remember. Lots of siblings, tho.

Dordrecht 08-08-2012 10:31 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 (Post 1180689)
Oh, stop. U R not.

Actually I am.

bbyrd009 08-09-2012 11:43 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by Dordrecht (Post 1180694)
Actually I am.

Ah...I believed you. I just finished it, and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. Seems to agree with Spirit, for the most part, a couple of passages that are obviously from a different pov, but really no substance? Like, after you have read, say, a third of it, you aren't going to get any more by reading the rest, is my opinion. Surely WII would have something to say there, but I'm curious how one might "study" the Qur'an for anything like years; I can't imagine reading it again.

It mostly agrees with the Bible, minus what I feel are minor cultural differences, but the Bible has much more depth. Maybe something is lost in the translation,
but then we (and Christ) read from re-translations...

Sam 08-11-2012 02:14 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?
I just finished reading "The Acts of the Holy Spirit Among the Lutherans Today."

It was published by the FGBMFI group in 1973. It is a small book --12 chapters and 54 pages-- of testimonies of Lutherans who received the HGB (Holy Ghost Baptism). It is one of a series of several books telling about people from different denominations who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Dordrecht 08-11-2012 09:30 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Did you read Demos Shakarian's biography?
(Founder of FGBMFI)

Sam 08-11-2012 11:10 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Dordrecht (Post 1181201)
Did you read Demos Shakarian's biography?
(Founder of FGBMFI)

I have read "The Happiest People on Earth" which is the story of the Shakarian family, their moving to the U.S. and of Demos founding the FGBMFI. It's a neat book and has been out of print for a while. I found a used copy on Amazon.com and had it sent to a man in Columbus, OH that was interested in FGBMFI and right now I have another used copy on order I intend to give to a young man who has started coming to our church and is interested in FGBMFI.

I have attached a pdf file of some of the ways the Holy Spirit moved in that Shakarian family

bbyrd009 08-11-2012 11:54 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Ok, I should add that the Qur'an
also keeps to a very fine essential;
Most are deceived, and the deceptions are delineated;
See, if you have eyes, the mighty kingdoms that have fallen before yours.
And a few find the Living Water.

Dordrecht 08-11-2012 01:23 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by Sam (Post 1181210)
I have read "The Happiest People on Earth" which is the story of the Shakarian family, their moving to the U.S. and of Demos founding the FGBMFI. It's a neat book and has been out of print for a while. I found a used copy on Amazon.com and had it sent to a man in Columbus, OH that was interested in FGBMFI and right now I have another used copy on order I intend to give to a young man who has started coming to our church and is interested in FGBMFI.

I have attached a pdf file of some of the ways the Holy Spirit moved in that Shakarian family

I did attend their monthly meetings for about 15 years and
last spring I went to one of their weekend retreats.
Really enjoyed it.

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