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HolyFire 06-10-2012 09:56 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by Sam (Post 545194)
Three more books I've read recently:

The Glorious Revival Under King Hezekiah by Wilbur M. Smith copyright 1937

Double Trouble for the Devil (The McCool Twins 50 years in the ministry, 1948-1998) copyright 1997

The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ by Eld. R.F. Tobin copyright 1948
Elder Tobin succeeded Bishop Haywood as pastor of Christ Temple

I sat for ten years under Bob Sr. and Bob Jr. Senior is still alive, watching his son pastor and his grandson is the Asst. Pastor. Great church.

What I have read and am reading/about to read:

Free from Fear - Jeff Arnold (Current)
Prayer - Verbal Bean (when I can rip it from my wife's wonderfully manicured fingers)
Driven for Eternity and Drawing Near - John Bevere
God Chasers and God's Favorite House - Tommy Tenney (Re-reads)
A Prophet in Our Time (about T.W. Barnes) - Nona Freeman (Reread)

Hoovie 06-10-2012 10:07 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Fireplace Installation Manuals... very hot topic.

Margies3 06-10-2012 10:12 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
AFF and Facebook. I was just thinking today that before I bought my Kindle Fire I used to read 2-3 books a week. Now I read a book in 2-3 weeks. Something is wrong with that picture, don't you think?

One book I really want to read very soon tho is Not A Fan. I've heard it's life-changing.

Sam 06-11-2012 02:37 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by HolyFire (Post 1167462)
I sat for ten years under Bob Sr. and Bob Jr. Senior is still alive, watching his son pastor and his grandson is the Asst. Pastor. Great church.

What I have read and am reading/about to read:

Free from Fear - Jeff Arnold (Current)
Prayer - Verbal Bean (when I can rip it from my wife's wonderfully manicured fingers)
Driven for Eternity and Drawing Near - John Bevere
God Chasers and God's Favorite House - Tommy Tenney (Re-reads)
A Prophet in Our Time (about T.W. Barnes) - Nona Freeman (Reread)

Well, this is an old thread that has been awakened.

I've read Verbal Bean's book on prayer. It is based on lectures/teaching he gave. I'd recommend it to anyone. I've also read The God Chasers and A Prophet in Our Time. I never met Bro. Barnes but quite a few years ago -almost 40- someone brought a cassette tape of him teaching at Louisiana Camp on healing and that thing made the rounds here. I guess he was quite a man of God. I think I have God's Favorite House here somewhere but like a couple hundred other books I have (I really don't know how many hundreds of books I have) I doubt if I'll read it if I haven't read it by now.

Two books I'm reading now:
Satan, Fallen Angels, and Demons by Gordon Lindsay
Notes on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther by Harry Ironside (atually 3 small books combined into one volume)

Sam 06-11-2012 02:44 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by HolyFire (Post 1167462)
I sat for ten years under Bob Sr. and Bob Jr. Senior is still alive, watching his son pastor and his grandson is the Asst. Pastor. Great church...

Billy and Bobby McCool used to come to Cincinnati about once a year and preach at the Carthage Apostolic Church (ALJC) where Bro. Joe David Sizemore was pastor. Last time I remember seeing them Billy's son, Mark Anthony, was just a child around 6 years old. One of the things Billy and Bobby would do is sing together and both play the same guitar.

One Sunday morning in 1990 my wife and I were in Gatlinburg, TN. We went for our daughter's wedding and spent a few days there. I woke up and my wife was watching tv in our motel room. She said, "Who is that?" and pointed to a preacher on tv. It was Billy McCool who was pastoring a church in Knoxville at that time. She remembered seeing him some where but didn't remember where.

Sam 06-11-2012 02:47 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by Margies3 (Post 1167465)
AFF and Facebook. I was just thinking today that before I bought my Kindle Fire I used to read 2-3 books a week. Now I read a book in 2-3 weeks. Something is wrong with that picture, don't you think?

One book I really want to read very soon tho is Not A Fan. I've heard it's life-changing.

If I were better disciplined I would spend less time on AFF and Facebook and more time reading. Last night I just turned off the computer for an hour and read. I really need to do that more often (as I type this up on AFF and several partially read books are piled up on my desk).

Raven 06-11-2012 09:54 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
"After You Believe" by N.T. Wright and a continuing work by J. Preston Eby called "From The Candlestick To The Throne".

Sam 06-12-2012 12:38 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Today I read a book which I have had for some time but just had not read. It is "The Baptism With The Holy Spirit And The Value Of Speaking in Tongues Today" by Oral Roberts. It has a copyright date of 1964.

Sister Alvear 06-12-2012 11:33 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Instead of buying books like I once did I read a lot from the internet...so many good Bible stories and books...just wish I had more time.

Sam 06-15-2012 12:13 AM

Re: What are you reading currently?
1 Attachment(s)
Today I read a small book called "Apostles and Prophets in the Church Today?" by Jack Coe. it was published by Herald of Healing with a copyright date of 1954. This was a re-read. I used to have that book and read it for the first time in the late 1950's but then the book and many more were sold for pennies on the dollar almost 50 years ago when I had a time of financial difficulty and had to sell my books. The book has been out of print for years. A couple years ago I contacted Jack Coe's son and asked him to reprint it. So far he has not but I just found where I could download a copy in pdf format so I did. I now have that book and have had the chance to reread it.

If this attachment works, I'll include page 16 of the book which I thought was interesting.

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