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Blubayou 08-26-2008 08:18 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
:gagaI am reading Nelson Demille's The Lion's Game. I love his writing- action packed, witty, and fast paced. It is also racey, and has curse words in it- but as my 86 year old mother says that also reads his book- I just skip over those parts and words.

Theresa 08-26-2008 09:44 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
I recently read "Reedeming Love" by Francine Rivers. I also read the book about Tamar in her 5 volume novella set....I've just started the one on Rahab and have Mary and Bathseba waiting in the wings...OH, and in the interim, I read The Shofar Blew by the same author.

Theresa 08-26-2008 09:46 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
and Oh, I bought Bro. Parkeys book on Proverbs at the MS Campmeeting...I've been browsing it....I really, really like it.

mizpeh 08-26-2008 09:52 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Faith Has Its Reasons by Boa and Bowman.

An issue of Christian History and Biography on John Chrysostom.

ReformedDave 08-26-2008 09:55 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Jonathan Edwards, A Life - by George Marsden and Doctrine of the Knowledge of God by John Frame.

steve p 08-26-2008 09:56 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Im reading......this thread!

mizpeh 08-26-2008 10:05 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by ReformedDave (Post 575955)
Jonathan Edwards, A Life - by George Marsden and Doctrine of the Knowledge of God by John Frame.

I'm trying to read, Mortification of the flesh, by John Owen, but can't quite get into it.

ReformedDave 08-27-2008 01:37 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by mizpeh (Post 575973)
I'm trying to read, Mortification of the flesh, by John Owen, but can't quite get into it.

He's a tough read. Try his 'Death of Death".

A_PoMo 08-27-2008 02:55 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
"The Emotionally Healthy Church" by Peter Scazzero.

Michlow 08-27-2008 03:02 PM

Re: What are you reading currently?
Just Recently finished "A Christianity Worth Believing" by Doug Pagitt, which I enjoyed very much.

I would say the best books I read thus far this year, were "Letters from a Skeptic" and "Is God to Blame?" both by Gregory A. Boyd

They really helped me gain a new focus on spiritual matters.

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