I have to chuckle when I see these modern backsliders calling themselves adherents of the "PCI" doctrine.
They don't have any more in common with the old PCI men than modern liberal democrats do with the architects of the New Deal. They both claim a connection with a heritage they have absolutely nothing in common with, and simply want to trade on a name that is respected.
The men of the PCI were mostly men who had come out of denominations that were trinitarian, and had received a revelation of Truth.
They preached their revelation with such passion and fervor that no one would have known by their preaching that they differed from the PAJC men, for the most part.
This was because they had made a move
toward Truth and revelation.
They loved this New Birth, Oneness Message.
This new breed are a totally different kettle of fish.
They are moving
away from Truth.
They are embarassed to be associated with strong doctrinal men. They would rather identify with those proclaiming an easy-believism message than with the Apostolic church.
So when you try and get them to discuss the doctrine of salvation, they spout clouds of obfuscatory smoke about how it is Jesus who saves, and it is a journey, and blah blah blah.
Nothing solid.
And they call themselves adherents of the "PCI Doctrine."
Well, the men of the old PCI would probably be ashamed to claim them, because they came out from long and deeply rooted belief systems and sold out to preach this Jesus Name message. It cost them something to be able to say "I'm one of them," as the old song says.
Most of these slack-jawed compromisers could preach all day, and if you ran their message through a centrifuge, you couldn't distill half an ounce of good doctrine, nor figure out how to be saved.
Pathetic Compromising Ingrates.
Now, if that isn't clear enough, let me know and I will try and dial it down a little better for you.