There was a man stranded on an island all alone. After awhile he realized that he was going to be there some time before anyone would rescue him, so he decided to build himself a town.
Many years went by and he was able to construct many buildings within his town. One day the rescuers came. He ran to meet them and enthusiastically thanked them for coming to get him.
The rescuers, looking at the town, asked where all the other people were. The man told them that he was the only one on the island. They then asked where the town came from and he explained how he knew he needed to keep himself busy so he built a town.
Looking at the town they pointed down the street to the left and asked, "What is that building with a cross on it." The man replied, "That's the church I go to."
Confused the rescuers pointed down the street to their right and asked, "Then what is that building down there with a cross on it?" Oh, that's the church I used to go to!