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Old 04-05-2007, 07:01 PM
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The Last Theophany

This is an article from pages four and fifteen of the January 1946 Pentecostal Herald. It is titled “The Last Theophany” and was written by Frank J. Ewart. This would have been the second issue of the Herald after the forming of the United Pentecostal Church. I don’t know if the article was taken from some of his earlier writings or if it was submitted for publication in the new UPC magazine, but it is an example of early Oneness Pentecostal writing on the subject of the Deity or “Godhead.”

According to a reference book I have which is titled “Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements” copyright 1988, Frank Ewart was “one of the most influential spokesmen for the Oneness movement in its early years.” This reference work states that F.J. Ewart was born in 1876 in Australia, began his ministry in the Baptist church as a bush missionary and in 1903 he immigratied to Canada and served as a pastor of a Baptist church. After he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1908 he was dismissed by the Baptist organization. In 1911 he became the assistant pastor to William H. Durham in Los Angeles, and assumed the pastorate in 1912 when Durham died. In 1913 he heard R.E. McAlister preach on water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ at the Arroyo Seco camp meeting, and the following year he openly began preaching the Jesus’ Name message and rebaptizing Pentecostals. He is said to be one of the first Pentecostals to teach the Oneness of God rather than the doctrine of the Trinity. In 1919 he founded a church in Belvedere, CA which he pastored until his death in 1947. He was a minister in the United Pentecostal church and the author of at least eight books.

In the April 2006 issue of The Pentecostal Herald, Bro. Ken Haney mentions two outstanding books on the Azusa Street revival, and one of these is “The Phenomenon of Pentecost” by Frank. Ewart. Bro. Haney also mentions that Frank Ewart was a pastor who greatly influenced his father and mother, Clyde and Olive Haney.

The Last Theophany
by Frank J. Ewart

Our word theophany means God in a body. There are about ten theophanys in the Old Testament. They all point forward and typified Christ. He was the last Theophany; For “God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these days spoken unto us by His Son.” The literal Greek reads, out of a Son.

The Burning bush was a striking theophany. In Hebrew, bush means secrecy. God secreted himself in a bush as a fire. He gave Moses the ineffable name, which is lost, but its meaning is preserved in I Am that I Am, The self existent One, who would unfold Himself. That I Am was Christ, who was the Burning Bush that took the fire into His humanity, and was not consumed. There is a statement about the Lord possessing Gideon for the battle against Midian, and the best marginal reading is: And the Lord clothed Himself with Gideon. So every theophany was an index finger --the finger of God-- pointing direct to Christ, the God-man. The Scriptures call Christ the image of the invisible God. The thought is that the Invisible God, by conception and birth, made a human image and got into it or hid himself in it. So the Son of God, became the Visible Deity. Dr. Weymouth translates it: The visible representation of the Invisible God.

It is of the utmost significance that the word Person is never used about God. Heb 1:3 is a mistranslation. The palpable point is, that Christ Jesus was God’s permanent visible person. God, --The Eternal-- may never be seen apart from Jesus. The declaration that He was the Son of God was made at the resurrection (Rom 1:4). Through the resurrection Jesus was glorified. This glorified body or Person became God’s dwelling place. Paul declares that, In Him dwelleth (not has dwelt or will dwell) all the fulness of the Deity bodily. This is an inscrutable mystery, however, we must all believe it without question; for it is foolish to try and be wiser than the Word of God.

to be continued in part 2
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 04-05-2007, 07:03 PM
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part 2

The absolute ONENESS of Father and Son, as stated in the Scriptures, seems to permit no separate identity. The identities, like Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in relationship only. We have no equivalent of that Oneness to illustrate it by, or analyze it. When Jesus said I and the Father are One, He meant more than being ONE in thought, purpose, and agreement, as Man and Wife or any other separate identities. Who ever heard of a wife being so absurd as to say, when a visitor calls to see her husband: “He that sees me sees my husband.” The thing simply doesn’t make sense, but nonsense!

The human mind cannot conceive of a Oneness more absolute, than that of which Jesus spoke: “Believest thou not, that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me?” This absolute oneness Jesus elucidated thus: “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.” In other words, Jesus definitely taught that God, the Eternal Spirit, so obsessed Him, that every manifestation of power, through His lips or hands, was definitely the work of the Father who dwelt within. The Son, Himself, disclaims, disavows, disallows any glory whatsoever. I, of mine own self, can do nothing! The definite, solitary, motive power in the life of the Son of Man was that of God the Invisible.

John gives us the biography of The Logos --The Living Word. He jumps back over the Bethlehem manger, discarding the flesh, and makes three statements in introducing his subject: First, His eternality: In the beginning was the Logos. Second, His identity as the Logos --the expression, or soul of God: The Logos was with God. Third, His absolute Deity: and the Logos was God.

Here we have Christ before the Bethlehem manger He did not exist as the Son of God, but the Word of God. And as God is the final, certain, solitary ONE, that cannot be diminished, divided, or multiplied, as the Logos He was no more separate from Deity or God, than a man’s soul can be said to be separate from his body. There is that mysterious, indefinable thing in God, which answers to the soul in man, and explains the statement, “So God created man in HIS OWN IMAGE.”

If we simply rest in God’s statement, that in the beginning, Jesus was the Logos --the Word or Expression of God-- then the unity of the Deity is sustained. The Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. If the Logos was the second person of the Deity, separate as to individuality, then the Scriptures would say: The Logos was of God. This is what Russell taught, and in view of the unimpeachable unity of God, is utter blasphemy. If the Logos back in the beginning was a created being, separate from God, the difficulties are many and insuperable, but, if the Logos was God, just as the soul of a man can be said to be the real man, there is no difficulty, and the absolute unity of the Deity is sustained.

The Logos or Word went forth from God and formed the Theophany. The Logos or Word of God spake through the prophets unto the fathers. The Logos or Word created the universe. The Logos or Word was before all things and by Him and for Him all things consist. The Logos or Word was the beginning of God’s creation. The Logos or Word had the glory of God’s own self before the world was (see John 17:5). Every Scripture fits this identification of Christ back in the beginning. He was The Word. This Logos came out from the Father God, and came into the world in the form of God’s son, and after the resurrection He left the world and went back into the Father. For of Him and through Him and back into Him are all things, to whom be glory forever Amen!

An earnest humble inquirer after truth will ask, the exponent of the eternal sonship theory, where or when was this Son born? He will answer, that this is the mystery. However, the Scripture declares that Jesus was God’s only begotten Son. The Son was not begotten or born twice. Hs birth as the Only Begotten Son was at Bethlehem. It was said, That holy thing which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God. Mary’s son was the only Son that was called the Son of God. Likewise the exponent of the theory that Jesus was created back in eternity, has to confess that as a created Being he would be inferior to both God and the Son of God. And as a created Being would be no better than Adam, and certainly not of the Angels. But the Scriptures declare that His superiority is in the fact that by birth or inheritance He hath received the more excellent name than they (Heb 1:4). Jesus in prayer said, I have declared unto them Thy Name. The name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost (Matt 28:19).

In Rom 1:20, Paul declares that the Godhead may be understood by the things that God hath made. This greatest of all truths, the absolute unity of God, is all through nature. A tree is three in one. Light is three in one, and in every case, we have an inseparable unit. In conformity with nature revelation declares that the True God and Eternal Life, is the Father or Logos, incarnated in the Son. Little children keep yourselves from idols!

If Jesus, the Christ, is God’s final theophany, and God’s last word (for He commands, Hear ye him!) then we can make this significant deduction: What Jesus said about Himself, is absolutely final, as regards this controversy about His absolute Deity. It has been said, gloatingly, that Jesus never said that He was the Father. In the sense of relationship taken on through the incarnation, Jesus couldn’t call Himself the Father. However, in the sense of His eternality, He was equal with the Father. He thought equality with God a thing not to be grasped as a robber’s prize (Phil 2:6). In the wonderful discourse about Himself in John 14, Jesus said, I won’t leave you comfortless, I will come unto you. That word, comfortless, would be better translated fatherless. Jesus claims to be the I AM that spoke to Moses out of the burning bush. It is Jesus who is speaking all through the Revelations, and He calls Himself, The First and the Last; the Alpha and the Omega; and the Almighty, Amen (see Rev 1:11, also Rev 1:8). So when the Final Theophany, the Beginning and End of the creation of God, the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega, even the Almighty speaks; though the mystery is great, let us in reverential awe, fellowship the mystery. Amen.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 04-05-2007, 10:03 PM
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A thelogical definition of a Theophany is a visible or audible manifestation of God.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson View Post
A thelogical definition of a Theophany is a visible or audible manifestation of God.
Jesus is both.
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Old 04-06-2007, 12:02 AM
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Jesus is in the OT in person as God revealed, God made visible, God manifested as a man or "the angel of the LORD." John 1:1-18: I Jn 1:1-3; 5:6-8 calls Him the Word, or God expressed. This is also called a theophany which the dictionary defines as "an appearance of a god to a man or a divine manifestation." It comes from Greek "theos" meaning god and "phainen" meaning to show. In Phil 2:6 it says Jesus was in the "form of God." In Hebrews 1:3 Jesus us called the icon (picture) of God.

Here is a note from the Amplified Bible:
"The 'angel of the Lord,' or 'of God,' or 'of his presence' is readily identified as the Lord God (Gen 16:11,13; 22:11,12; 31:11; Ex 3:1-6, etc.). But it is obvious that the angel of the Lord is a distinct person in Himself from God the Father (Ge 24:7; Zech 1:12, 13; Ex 23:20, etc.) as this verse shows. Nor does the Angel of the Lord any longer appear after Christ came in human form. He must of necessity then be one of the three-in-one Godhead. The Angel of the Lord is the visible Lord God of the OT, as Jesus Chris was of the NT. Thus His deity is clearly portrayed in the OT. There is a fascinating forecast of the coming Messiah, breaking through the dimness, with amazing consistency, at intervals from Genesis to Malachi. Abraham, Moses, the slave girl Hagar, the impoverished farmer Gideon, even the humble parents of Samson, had seen and talked with Him centuries before the herald angels proclaimed His birth in Bethlehem." (note from the Amplified Bible on Isaiah 63:9)

Here is a note from the Criswell Bible:
"No other angel is comparable to the 'Angel of the LORD.' He spoke with authority over life. That this is a theophany, an appearance of the pre-incarnate Christ is confirmed in that (1) He specifically identifies Himself with YAHWEH on various occasions, (2) He is recognized as divine by those to whom He appears, (3) the biblical writers often call Him Yahweh, (4) the unity of the OT and NT is further enhanced by the appearance of the God-man in the OT, and (5) this interpretation supports the Triunity of the Godhead through the pre-incarnate appearance of the Son" WA Criswell in the Criswell Study Bible

Here are some appearances of Jesus as the Angel of YHWH
Gen 12:1-7 God appeared to Abram
Gen 15:1-18 Word of the Lord in a vision to Abram
Ge 16:7-16 Angel appeared to Hagar
Ge 17:1-22 Lord appeared to Abram
Ge 18:1-33 Lord appeared to Abram
Ge 21:9-21 Lord called Hagar
Ge 22:11-18 Angel called to Abraham
Ge 26:1-6 Angel appeared to Isaac
Ge 28:10-16 Lord appeared to Jacob
Ge 32:1-32 Angel wrestled with Jacob (ref Gen 48:15-16; Hos 12:3-5))
Ex 3:1-22 Angel appeared to Moses
Ex 24:9-12 Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, 70 elders see God
Josh 5:13-15 Angel appears to Joshua
Judges 6:11-24 Lord appeared to Gideon
Judges 13: 1-23 Angel appears to parents of Samson
Isa 6:1-13 Isaiah saw the Lord (ref Jn 12:39-41; Ac 28:17-29)
Isa 63:7-9 Angel of His presence (ref Ex 14:19; 23:20-23; Num 20:16)

Isaiah 9:6 in the LXX (probably used by the Apostles and writers of the New Testament) says:
For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder: and his name is called the Angel of great counsel, Mighty one, father of the age to come, Prince of Peace. His government shall be great, and of his peace there is no end: it shall be, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to support it with judgment and with righteousness, from henceforth and forever.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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