What I Owe A Former Pastor.
I used to have a pastor that I learned some lessons under ,that I will take with me to my grave.
Although I don't agree with his doctrinally stance on everything ,he taught me something I practice to this day and always will.
My former pastor told me that if I was to be an effective minister I must love people ,and take interest in their lives and be concerned about their welfare.
This lesson has always stayed with me.
The reason I call people on the phone and check on them and inquire about people's loved ones and situations is from what my former pastor taught me.
Also he told me to always ask my brethren how their churches and ministries were progressing?
I practice this from his teaching.
You see if I ever call you on the phone and I ask you how are you doing ?
It comes from a teaching and drilling by my former pastor.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.