Why Do Muslims Accept The Testimony of One Man?
The christian bible has at least 40 authors between the old and new testaments. all witnessing to a congruent set of beliefs and attesting to the same truth. Why would muslims accept the testimony of one man? what if he is wrong? what other authors witness to Muhammad's version of the truth?
Good question, DM. I recall (years ago) how easy it was to notice how silly and unreliable other (non-christian) religious writings were. But do we ever use the same degree of critical scrutiny with our own religion, or just accept what vested-interest leaders say? Do we really know that 40 authors are proclaiming the same message, or was it instead a game of Telephone, where each writer read and accepted the previous, and added his own take to the pack? For example, (just one among hundreds) you will probably never hear it taught in Sunday school that the book of Mark was not written by anyone named Mark, Matthew not written by anyone named Matthew, Luke not written by Luke, and John not written by John. A professional bible scholar (or their books) will expose that, however, as well as how the 3 synoptic gospels contain much identical wording because "Mathew" and "Luke" simply copied much from "Mark." Yet our own religion is presumably reliable enough, and Islam is not? JD hit on the reason--the definition of faith. Doesn't faith mean to hold onto a belief without (and if necessary, against) demonstrable evidence? We expect rules of "reason" to hold plenty of weight against other faiths, but not our own. Delusion is just too enjoyable!