Originally Posted by Thad
then your lines of distinction are blurred. that's why I asked and you wouldn't give me a direct answer, could we come and sing and have the men wear dresses with lace and the women wear blue jeans ??
God did well enough on His own to make a distinction between the sexes. In general:
Men grow facial hair, women do not.
Men bald with age, women do not.
Men have a larger, broader frame; women have a smaller frame.
Even the skeletal structure differs; men's legs are kind of like this: | | Women's are more like this: \ /
The bone structure of a man's face is more rugged-looking; a woman's face has smooth curves.
Women, of course, have breast - men don't.
Men have hairy arms, chest, hands & feet - women do not.
Men are usually taller - women shorter.
Men have deeper voices - women generally have higher voices.
Men have an "Adam's Apple" - women don't.
Men are usually more muscular than women.
Men and women differ in their interests, the way they walk, the way the talk, the way they think, the way the respond & react - they differ in MANY ways.
I was driving down my street the other day & saw two young teens walking. One was male, the other female. I had no problem telling which was the boy and which was the girl, even from a great distance away... And they both had pants on.
The boy was a bit broader, and the way they each walked made it very obvious that one was male, and one was female. Even their hand movements when they talked were distinct; making it clear who was a guy and who was a girl.
God, Himself, has done a WONDERFUL job at CLEARLY defining the distinctions between men and women. A pair of pants on a women will not confuse me as to her gender.