Originally Posted by CC1
I would think so. I think if it was only a conservative preaching conference and did not have something substantial regarding organizing people would feel let down.
If they want to go to just a conservative conference they can go to AMC.
It will be interesting to see just how much has been "organized" before the meeting starts. I have a feeling that "facilitating committee" could have a pretty defined path all lined out for the meeting.
It will also be intersting to see how many if any of those men have either turned in their license or let them lapse at the end of the year.
I know this is 40 pages too late, but in my experience, the action items/deliverables that result from this meeting will simply be to schedule another meeting of the same kind. The marching orders will be to garner as much support or gauge the sentiment throughout the nation as best they can.
Nathaniel Wilson is a head scratcher to me as being part of the group of ministers. I hear he has TV ads, TV ministry, then I hear he is part of the anti-media Booker clique.
I don't believe this type of movement will have any longevity. I can give them the conclusion right now they will ultimately come to.
Remain in the UPC doing their best to change/maintain it at the grassroots level, after all GOD will do whats best for HIS organization.