Originally Posted by ApostolicTexas
Originally Posted by mfblume
He is IN BOTH.
Both?????I have scripture where He is now Bro Blume...It plainly states where He lives..You are part of THAT Body today..You have not presented scripture that supports He still has the SAME body He left with today..and you say I am building a strawman?
Brother, please learn what a strawman is. LOL. You are using that term outside its meaning. It is an argument that does not REPRESENT THE ANTAGONIST'S VIEWPOINT correctly, but twists it. It does so because a distortion is easier to defeat than an actual argument from another.)
And I already stated it is nonsense to say that Christ does not have the same body solely because the bible does not say He did not lose it.
I have scripture saying He ascended with it. You have nothing to say something happened after that ascension for Him to lose it. If we are not told it was lost, then why think it was???? That is outside exegesis altogether.
What?..a Physical King reining in a invisible Kingdom?
While He was on earth PHYSICALLY he said the KINGDOM IS COME!!! Brother, you are not thinking of all the scriptures that deal with these issues. Please learn the bible some more. I do not say that mockingly. You said no man saw His glory and I showed you where they did. Now you say there cannot be a physical king with an invisible kingdom, and I showed you there IS!
Bro Blume..I have responded to your plea...Why do you not anwser a question?
Brother, you have NOT responded to all my points. I have responded to your's.
Why does God still need that body today?
You do not reason through these things logically. Who said HE NEEDS a body???? The fact simply is that HE HAS ONE.
.I read where JEsus said..ALL that the prophets wrote of him has been fulfilled..All is a small word that means everything as one man said..
You do not believe everything is fulfilled. Is all the world covered in righteousness as the waters cover the sea? The CONTEXT is that all the prophecies concerning HIS MINISTRY AND CROSS were fulfilled.
It is one thing to state what a person believes but it is another to prove it with scripture especially saying "its in the Bible"..
Exactly. And you have not proven anything but rather stated THE BIBLE DOES NOT SAY "HE DID NOT LOSE HIS BODY."
I will not press you anymore..in fact this will be my last response to you on this thread.It is apparent you have no anwser for what has been presented at least you have not proven it with scripture to refute it.
Brother, You ask questions that are silly (no disrespect intended) and cannot respond to all my points while I respond to all of your's.
You may not agree and that is fine but I am one who believes in not continuing to beat the same old drum because after a while it gets out of tune.
"Gets out of tune"? lol.
Brother, what happened to Jesus' body in the resurrection will happen to our own. SOMETHING YOU COULD NOT RESPOND TO. Phil 3:21. And you claim I cannot answer you? How can one answer something that is irrelevant? It's like me asking you to show me why there had to be a God. That is moot.
Jesus has a body today..It is the body of his Church.This is what He bled and died for..His Bride the NEw Jersualem..and to think there is still heaven to look forward to when We die Thanks for your participation.God Bless
To say what you said implies you must also believe Adam lost his physical body because Eve was his body.
Brother, you could not answer MANY of my points, and accused me of doing this to you when your points were moot to the issue. NEED A BODY??? What is that?
You clearly do not want to believe we will physically resurrect and that Christ has a body now, despite scripture.
God bless!