Originally Posted by SarahElizabeth
I knew a preacher who preached all the women were supposed to wear their hair UP to have POWER with the angels because the verse says "ON" her head - and he interpreted that to mean UP - not hanging down. Also, I have heard it taught that it was the sign of being a sinner to wear one's hair down, as the woman with the alabaster bottle had her hair down and she was a sinner.
And you see, SE, this is as scary to me as those who lay their hair on prayer requests.
So the woman with the alabaster box had her hair down...how else could she wash His feet with it if it
weren't down.
And thinking logically, how does one wash their hair without it being 'down'...do we sin when we wash our hair?!
What else did she do that we may do?! Did she eat veggies or drink water?!
See how silly this all sounds when it is examined. Folks just don't think, and to me it is not only silly, it is a frightening thing...