In my almost 70 yrs, I have seen people go from one extreme to another. No balance.
I wonder what Paul had in mind when he said a "double-minded man is unstable in all
his ways".
I do not mean this in an offensive way at all. But I have seen those who went to a
personal extreme such as no hairspray. no deodrant, long sleeves, no wedding rings,
no videos or technology where you could see anything, good or bad, and a lot other
things. I have seen people do this even though the church they attended didn't carry
it that far. But there were those churches who did.
Then I have seen those who went from the extreme right (super-spiritual)
to the left side of the middle of the right side. Not going to a radical position
of drinking, gambling, stealing and carousing, etc. In other words they didn't
go all the way to the extreme left but half-way there. Later on, some of
them made it all the way there too. Sad stories. They began to feel THEIR
liberty. And it wasn't in the Lord either. Time proved that. Once they started
drifting, they fell "asleep" or were lulled to sleep, and found themselves on the
wrong side of the road and had lost complete control. That's what happens when
we take control and take it away from HIM. This is not directed to any one person
or persons.
My father stayed in the Word and sought the Holy Ghost for wisdom and direction in
his life as long as he lived. He sought to be "presentable", not flashy, neither sloppy.
He loved his neighbors, his country, his family and most of all, his GOD. I believe he
sought a balance. a middle of the right road. In other words, a place in the midddle
of the right side of the road. If you went to far on the right, you could be in the ditch.
But if you started drifting too far to the left side (where travelers were coming from
the opposite direction, that would be dangerous also. So just stay in the center of
right side and you were safe (balanced). Daddy wasn't a double-mined man and I am
my father's daughter! Wasn't far from him as long as he lived. I feel he knew there
were a whole bunch following behind him and he couldn't afford to make poor choices.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct thy paths.
Prov. 3:5,6
Just In Time
Dottie Rambo
I was going down for the last time
No one heard my cry
My voice was swiftly fading
Drifting with the tide
When a hand from out of nowhere
Gently slipped in mine
And I thank God He found me just in time
I don't remember drifting
'Cause pleasure rode with me
When careless winds start blowing
You drift so easily
And storms make no exception
And friend I've sure had mine
And I thank God He found me just in time
Just before the waves of slumber
Had rocked my soul to sleep
Just before the angry billows
Had pulled me out too deep
God knows how long I'd drifted
When I saw the old lifeline
And I thank God He found me
Just in time