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12-27-2013, 10:19 AM
Yeshua is God
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by hometown guy
And I don't fellowship any churches that allow men to preach with beards but I have NEVER heard anyone say that a beard was sin and you can't name any respectable conservative that has said that either.
Well Jesus had a beard and he would be allowed to preach in my church.
too bad he could not preach in your church.

12-27-2013, 11:12 AM
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Re: Platform Standards
As a regular member of the "platform", I feel your pain. However, I understand the dynamic behind it, which stems largely from ministerial peer pressure. IMO, churches who have specific platform standards probably also have a pastor who doesn't feel those standards are heaven-or-hell issues. It's about getting along with neighboring pastors and not rocking the organizational boat.
That said, I think it's perfectly fine for the pastor to set up guidelines for people who are up front and representing the church as a whole. Things like, "wear business casual" or "be clean shaven" or "make sure your hair looks nice." Those aren't standards in anyone's book, really. It's about looking neat and presentable. I realize that the no beards thing is annoying to some men, but having a rule about being clean shaven is probably more about neatness than the pastor thinking it's a salvational issue.
Bottom line, I think it's a stretch to call other Christians hypocrites because they have a set of rules for staff or people who are the most visible. In fact, calling other Christians hypocrites might be worse than asking a man to shave.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road

12-27-2013, 11:37 AM
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12-27-2013, 02:37 PM
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by n david
Glad to see another thread about standards; indeed, yet one more on platform standards. [/sarcasm]
Look, if you don't like it, don't go. It's simple. If a church wants its staff to dress a certain way, they have every right to do so.
Good grief. People whine about platform standards, "IT'S NOT IN THE BIBLE!"
Beards aren't a sin, they just look tacky. I haven't heard anyone preach beards are a sin since the early/mid-80s.
So beards look tacky? Who was it that instituted the beard?
Who was it that commanded men not to shave?
5 They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
Leviticus 21:5
Why yes! It was YAH the creator of the Universe! An unshaven beard must not be "tacky" in his sight!

12-27-2013, 02:43 PM
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
So beards look tacky? Who was it that instituted the beard?
Who was it that commanded men not to shave?
5 They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
Leviticus 21:5
Why yes! It was YAH the creator of the Universe! An unshaven beard must not be "tacky" in his sight!
Actually......in the interest of truth/clarification.......God NEVER commanded men NOT to shave.....he gave very clear directions on HOW to shave. They were permitted to shave all of their facial hair off......what they were NOT to do was to round the corners of their beard. In other words, IF they grew a beard they could not sculpt them like the nations around them, they were to let them grow naturally.
Just saying

12-27-2013, 02:43 PM
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by FlamingZword
Well Jesus had a beard and he would be allowed to preach in my church.
too bad he could not preach in your church. 
Yes that should hit home! We certainly would not want this tacky robe wearing Messiah in our neat well groomed platform!

12-27-2013, 02:47 PM
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by FlamingZword
Well Jesus had a beard and he would be allowed to preach in my church.
too bad he could not preach in your church. 
Well......when all you beard wearing preachers start opening blind eyes, healing the lame and raising the dead (and I ain't talking about when they all wake up at the end of your sermon) then maybe you'll be invited to preach a few places.
(Just joking with ya.....a little.....lol)

12-27-2013, 02:51 PM
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by bishoph
But why is it necessary that everyone accommodate you? Why must everyone see it your way or THEY are the ones wrong? Whatever happened to the desire for unity and the good of the whole rather than individual liberties? Paul said all things are lawful for me......in other words I can do pretty much anything I feel ok with doing.....but not all things are profitable....in other words not everything, though not "prohibited," is best for me or for the body.
If wearing a beard offends my brother, then I will not wear one as long as the world stands......sound familiar? We have become so "I" "ME" focused that we are far too often willing to push for our pet issues to the hurt of the whole. (And I realize that cuts both ways.)
I do not believe beards are of the devil, sin, nor will they keep one out of heaven. (Unless of course the issue cause one to become bitter) However, I do not have a problem with a church having "platform standards."
If you were to decide to make your career flipping hamburgers at Mc Donald's, you could work the line and make hamburgers for 40 years. They will give you a uniform and you will be required to wear it. But....if you decide you want to move into management, your uniform will change and you will have to become proficient at certain things, and your responsibilities change etc.. If you NEVER want to move up, you will still get paid from the same company and you'll still get benefits.
In like manner in a church, if a person wants to come to church for 20 years and worship God, enjoy the benefits of being in the church and be involved on some level....but they NEVER want to adhere to the "platform/leadership" standards.....they will get the same paycheck from the same company, and still receive their benefits.....but they won't be promoted to leadership unless they are willing to wear the uniform and accept the duties/responsibilities of that level of leadership.
This is really classic.
And WHERE is the scripture located to back up your human reasoning? The one where YAH instructs us about shaving? The Pharisees felt exactly the same way about it you do.
8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matt. 15:8-9
Its not YAH to teach us in this line of thought. It is THE PASTORS PREFERENCE!

12-27-2013, 02:55 PM
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
So beards look tacky? Who was it that instituted the beard?
Who was it that commanded men not to shave?
5 They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
Leviticus 21:5
Why yes! It was YAH the creator of the Universe! An unshaven beard must not be "tacky" in his sight!
That doesn't say God instituted beards. Men had beards before that including pagans.
That also does not say don't shave. It says dont round the corners
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- The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.

12-27-2013, 02:59 PM
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Re: Platform Standards
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
This is really classic.
And WHERE is the scripture located to back up your human reasoning? The one where YAH instructs us about shaving? The Pharisees felt exactly the same way about it you do.
8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matt. 15:8-9
Its not YAH to teach us in this line of thought. It is THE PASTORS PREFERENCE!
Bro.....I respect your desire/decision to wear a beard.....but you have yet to show a scripture where God told anybody, including the Israelite men that they were forbidden to shave. He did give them instruction as to how they could shave.....but he NEVER told them they could not.
Again you are attacking a ghost.....I never said that God said you had to shave.....I never even implied that it was a requirement/commandment of anybody.......you my friend are the one doing that.....you are stating that God commanded his people to grow beards and NEVER shave them......THAT is NOT scripturally accurate.
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