No, I am not saying that people from an emotionally charged service didn't spill into the restaurant and decide to keep having church.
It started with the waitress. They didn't spill into the Restaurant speaking in tongues and rolling on the ground.
I did see the video (or half of it). I was attempting to say that I would have been embarrassed to have been part of that group had I been there.
Embarrassed to see someone receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? Public is the
best place for someone to receive the Holy Ghost. We find out what happens when "Having Church" spills out into the open in
Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost.
There is a time and a place (and a way!) to do everything. Having a UPC alter call in a restaurant is neither the time or the place.
Who dictates when and where the Spirit of God is poured out? You? Me? Lee Stoneking? (By the way, Stoneking wasn't present at all for any of this)
Next time God wants to move in a restaurant and has the atmosphere to move in, I'll make sure to stop Him "Sorry big G, time and a place. Time and a place."
I also noticed all the people very uncomfortably sitting around trying to order their food and eat.
The only people in this restaurant at this time of night were Pentecostals (**EDIT** Or guests of Pentecostals). It is my understanding they stayed open late to accommodate the conference. If they were uncomfortable, they could have left. I'd rather deal with some unhappy customers than choke the Spirit of God.