He is in Hell & Timmy - That "thought experiment" was you thinking too much! Go back to not thinking! LOL
Like the old preacher said at the funeral of a bootlegger - He is in HELL FIRE and if you don't change your ways, You gonna be there too!
AB, I've been to many Funerals and have officiated some in the last 50 years, and I've never heard a preacher say that. I don't think it's appropriate or ethical to pronounce final judgment over anyone.
When I was younger, we used this type of rhetoric to strike fear into others, but with age you begin to realize the truth about man and his unending struggle with sin and failure.
IMHO, I feel our approach to those who've deeply failed in life is to condemn them with mercy and let God do the sorting. In reality, none of us truly know the outcome of anyone, and saying we do know is a lie.
AB, I've been to many Funerals and have officiated some in the last 50 years, and I've never heard a preacher say that. I don't think it's appropriate or ethical to pronounce final judgment over anyone.
When I was younger, we used this type of rhetoric to strike fear into others, but with age you begin to realize the truth about man and his unending struggle with sin and failure.
IMHO, I feel our approach to those who've deeply failed in life is to condemn them with mercy and let God do the sorting. In reality, none of us truly know the outcome of anyone, and saying we do know is a lie.
So, you don't know Bin Laden's fate?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
OH WOW! I think I have just been rebuked for believing in HELL!
Well, People die - they go to Heaven or Hell. It does not take a NASA scientist to see that in the Bible!
The fact remains, There is a Heaven to Gain and a Hell to shun!
Hell is real and if you don't believe it now - you will one day!
OH WOW! I think I have just been rebuked for believing in HELL!
Well, People die - they go to Heaven or Hell. It does not take a NASA scientist to see that in the Bible!
The fact remains, There is a Heaven to Gain and a Hell to shun!
Hell is real and if you don't believe it now - you will one day!
The fact remains, you've never been there (and neither has a NASA Scientist). Using Spectral evidence to leverage the Facts has led to the death and murder of innocent people, while manipulating billions of human beings under abusive authority.
The fact remains, you've never been there (and neither has a NASA Scientist). Using Spectral evidence to leverage the Facts has led to the death and murder of innocent people, while manipulating billions of human beings under abusive authority.
For a start AB, study the Salem Witch Trials.
Taking a cue from another thread, what we know NOW would have made the witch trials go very differently than they did. The only thing they had to do was weigh them to see if they weighed the same as a duck.
“And in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.” Luke 16:23
Did you get that out of the HOLY BIBLE? HELL!
“And in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.” Luke 16:23
Did you get that out of the HOLY BIBLE? HELL!
Houston, we have a problem!! AB has concluded unseen evidence as a Fact! He's never been there, never seen, never known, never touched, Hell, and doesn't have one friend or family member who's done the above.
BTW, over 30,000 Christian Denominations in the World have differing views on the subject, and people are struggling with what they CAN see, let alone with what they can't. But you, yes YOU, know for certain that someone has gone there...
Oh, and let's not forget the Mormons, the Jim Jones', and all of the other Faiths and Leaders that use Hell to control their constituents, including the Apostolic Movement.
AB, do a study on Hell and you'll find the sticky fingers of Religion, Tradition, and previous Pagan ideas all over this misinterpreted word(s) from Ancient languages. Here's a link to get you started, if you dare!
Hell in the Eternal form of torment for wasted and lost souls is Religions Revenge and is used to control the weak, poor, and unlearned who are prone to superstition and fear. A God of Love cooking 99% of the Human Race for Eternity makes absolutely no sense, and this form of brutal punishment upon those of us who can hardly pay our bills is beyond the mercy that Jesus Christ portrayed on the Cross.
None of us are worthy of Heaven, and mercy is our only hope.