I feel an uneasy feeling, a churning in my stomach that makes me think more repressed memories are coming toward the surface from the murky depths of my psyche...
We were eating cereal for breakfast. I was eating Cookie Crisps.
We had had an evangelist the night before at church that I didn't care for. I made a critical remark about him, and it had not much more than crossed the threshhold of my lips when my mother slapped my jaws until my ears rang like a chapel bell.
She said, "As long as you live under this roof, you will not speak against a man of God."
That explains why I don't like Cookie Crisp cereal to this day...
We were eating cereal for breakfast. I was eating Cookie Crisps.
We had had an evangelist the night before at church that I didn't care for. I made a critical remark about him, and it had not much more than crossed the threshhold of my lips when my mother slapped my jaws until my ears rang like a chapel bell.
She said, "As long as you live under this roof, you will not speak against a man of God."
That explains why I don't like Cookie Crisp cereal to this day...
We were eating cereal for breakfast. I was eating Cookie Crisps.
We had had an evangelist the night before at church that I didn't care for. I made a critical remark about him, and it had not much more than crossed the threshhold of my lips when my mother slapped my jaws until my ears rang like a chapel bell.
She said, "As long as you live under this roof, you will not speak against a man of God."
That explains why I don't like Cookie Crisp cereal to this day...
This is so hard.
why did you have to bring up cereal? when I was a teenager, we lived in a two story appt. my bedroom had a balcony that opened to the livingroom dining room.
my dad would get up every morning very early and eat a bowl of cereal. he would scrape the bowl with his spoon insestantly! I CAN STILL HEAR THAT NOISE!
I will go to bed with this memory running around in my head.
also, I must have gotten more whippings than you because I cant really remember any of them. except that they were often and hurt a lot.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
We were eating cereal for breakfast. I was eating Cookie Crisps.
We had had an evangelist the night before at church that I didn't care for. I made a critical remark about him, and it had not much more than crossed the threshhold of my lips when my mother slapped my jaws until my ears rang like a chapel bell.
She said, "As long as you live under this roof, you will not speak against a man of God."
That explains why I don't like Cookie Crisp cereal to this day...
This is so hard.
I can say this cause I'm married to this guy.....
My dear sweet husband....YOU ARE IGNERT!!!!!
I'm trying not to laugh out loud cause everybody is in bed, cept me, and it is killing me. Now ya'll see what I have to put up with all the time.