The Bible. Impervious to logic. What other book could say P and ~P, and have people falling all over themselves explaining why that's not a contradiction? OK, maybe some other religious books. Just sayin'.
Actually there are practically equally exasperating internal contradictions in the field of (for example) quantum physics. Not talking mere "mysteries" here, but working contradictions. And "working" is the key word, because regardless of the illogic, the application of that illogic yields reliable results!
But here's something more recent about Camping's Recent Appearance Post Ordeal (note the acronym.) The key sentence is #4. "I'm looking for answers." Does not that explain a lot? The desire for certainty drives religion, both the good kind and the wrong kind.
Actually there are practically equally exasperating internal contradictions in the field of (for example) quantum physics. Not talking mere "mysteries" here, but working contradictions. And "working" is the key word, because regardless of the illogic, the application of that illogic yields reliable results!
If only the same could be said of the Bible!
But here's something more recent about Camping's Recent Appearance Post Ordeal (note the acronym.) The key sentence is #4. "I'm looking for answers." Does not that explain a lot? The desire for certainty drives religion, both the good kind and the wrong kind.
Many people do report good results. Does that mean reliable? Don't know, but on a desert island experience, I'll take a dozen people informed by the Bible over a dozen people not.
Many people do report good results. Does that mean reliable? Don't know, but on a desert island experience, I'll take a dozen people informed by the Bible over a dozen people not.
Here's your desert island choice of companion: an accomplished survivalist with lots of equipment and supplies, or a well-informed pastor and a Bible.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
And thinking it through, nothing wrong with being fat in a survival situation--that would be an advantage. But being weak and out of shape would be a disadvantage.
We need to pray for Camping and his followers, since they could surely turn their backs on God and the bible. Imagine the mockery heaped on top of bewilderment especially with the man who threw away his life savings.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
The survivalist would eventually eat me, because that's what survivalists do.
If the pastor is fat and out of shape, wouldn't want him either, in this case.
Originally Posted by MarcBee
A two-way radio? I'll take the pastor, then!
And thinking it through, nothing wrong with being fat in a survival situation--that would be an advantage. But being weak and out of shape would be a disadvantage.
Originally Posted by MarcBee
Wait a minute. A survivalist with LOTS of supplies? Hah, that's not necessarily a survival situation. I'll take your so-called survivalist.
John Kerry Marcbee
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty