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Old 05-22-2010, 12:33 AM
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by On The Wheel View Post
Very well said. Traditional church standards don't equal a relationship. But they don't negate it either.
So true they do not negate each other, but the two are mutually inclusive. I kinda find it tough to see people come on here and embrace standards and all the attitude that goes with it. I mean she started by saying she probably won't stay long because basically we aren't right or good enough to fellowship. I find it tough to trust some people that talk like that because I know how I was when I spoke similar words.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
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Old 05-22-2010, 12:49 AM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
So true they do not negate each other, but the two are mutually inclusive. I kinda find it tough to see people come on here and embrace standards and all the attitude that goes with it. I mean she started by saying she probably won't stay long because basically we aren't right or good enough to fellowship. I find it tough to trust some people that talk like that because I know how I was when I spoke similar words.
I was thinking the same thing although she may have simply been looking to fellowship with folks that believe exactly the same as she does without a negative attitude at all.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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Old 05-22-2010, 12:55 AM
longhairgirl longhairgirl is offline
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
So true they do not negate each other, but the two are mutually inclusive. I kinda find it tough to see people come on here and embrace standards and all the attitude that goes with it. I mean she started by saying she probably won't stay long because basically we aren't right or good enough to fellowship. I find it tough to trust some people that talk like that because I know how I was when I spoke similar words.
Wow! I was just forming a nice response to your last post in my head, and get on and see this. That's not very nice!

I won't stay long because this was not what I was looking for. I deal with enough UPC bashing everyday, I don't want to deal with it on the internet also I was looking for a like minded internet forum. I am a memeber of the Dave Ramsey TMMO, and I am frankly sick of all the getting around the no cussing rule and people being vulgar. But I knew I would miss the online community feel. So I find one that is called Apostolic Friends, and I frankly don't want to deal with explaining myself and my standards to people over and over all the time. Just don't want to deal with it, hope that's allowed

Now, for the nice response I was thinking. I wasn't raised in church, so I did study out each standard one by one. And it goes without saying that the inside is more important than the outside. The most important things any Christian can do is worship, pray, fast, and love others as much as possible.

I seriously didn't want to offend anyone on here. My original post was for the OP...possibly how her husband is feeling. I've seen what happens when one spouse leaves the church...usually the other spouse leaves also or the marriage ends in divorce. Sometimes, they can make it work but that is rare. Once again, OP I am praying for you
Give me that old time religion!
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Old 05-22-2010, 12:57 AM
longhairgirl longhairgirl is offline
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
I was thinking the same thing although she may have simply been looking to fellowship with folks that believe exactly the same as she does without a negative attitude at all.
Thanks for that! I don't have a negative attitude, this was just not what I was expecting!
Give me that old time religion!
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Old 05-22-2010, 01:00 AM
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by longhairgirl View Post
Well, I have to say that I am 100% UPC. I just joined today, and will probably leave since I was under the impression that this was a UPC forum, and it is not (oops). I was really just looking for some fellowship like I have with my girlfriends after church, so this is not for me.

But I do feel compelled to respond to your post. From the other side. As I have said, I am 100% UPC...I was not raised in church, I've been to every church under the sun and studied everything from Buddist to Wicca. When the Lord found me, I knew this was the real thing

So, I joined the church at age 21, and got married at age 24. A year later, my husband left the church. I was devasted. I cried and cried to the Lord, I did things the "right" way...and my husband leaves the church! It was very hard on me and my child (I have 3 children now). My greatest concern was for my children...you see, I love this church, its standards, its doctrine. I want my children to love it too. Thank the Lord my husband has now been back in church for 2 years!

I say all this to say that I really admire your concern for your husband. I would hate for your objection to standards to drive a wedge into your family. It's sooooo hard for someone who tries to keep the churches standards to live with someone not in church. Keep on praying about this, and talk to your husband about his concerns. Coming from his point of view, its very scary when your other half leaves the church. I still have things in my house (TV....I can't stand it!) that haven't left from when my husband was out of church. Some things are not easily undone.

I hope I have not offended you in any way...I simply speak from the heart as one who has been on the other side. Your family will be in my prayers.
Little Sister,
After reading your posts and also reading the responses, (I had gone to bed),
but could not sleep. I would like to encourage you to keep looking to Jesus,
the Author and the Finisher of our faith.

Your main concern was for your children. God's Heritage! It was concern for
her three young children that caused my paternal grandmother to breathe a
sincere prayer in 1926. She lay dying of typhoid fever and her feet and legs
were already turning blue. The doctor told her husband, "Tom, LIzzie's dying!
See the blue on her feet and legs"! She breathed that desperate prayer, "LORD,
IF YOU would see fit, would you let me live to raise my three children".
lapsed into a coma to awaken the next evening, her fever had broke and she
was hungry and thirsty. God had answered this 28 yr. old mother's prayer
whose main concern was for her three children. They were 8, 5, and 2 1/2 yrs.
The 8 yr. old was my late father. He witnessed the doctor's words. Grandma
lived 58 more years. Outlived the doctor by over 50 yrs.

I mean no offence in saying this, but the original poster of this thread has no
children. All of my life, it seems that it was the mother's concern for their children
that caused mothers to feel the need for God.
It was not my beloved grand-
father who obeyed the Apostolic Pentecostal five yrs later when an old white-
haired preacher came to their small town and preached on the street corner.
She got mad at first at this new doctrine. She was so stirred she decided to
prove the preacher wrong. She found he was right. She heard, searched out,
believed and obeyed the message. Her son, my father, was now 14 yrs old,
obeyed also. I treasure this message from the Word of God found in Acts 2.
I was 18 when I received it. That's been a long time ago.

I attend church with three generations of our family. Husband and I have
been married almost 51 yrs. raised six children to adulthood. Between the
six, we have 20 grandchildren and one due in July. We had our first little
Great-grandchild in Feb. 2010. She is the beginning of the sixth generation
(on my father's side) since the Apostolic message came our way. Grandma
was the first of her family to obey it. You may be the first but it doesn't
have to be the last. Yes, teach those precious children to love the "gospel"
of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost will lead and guide you. That mother's
love HE put in you to be concerned about your children (His Heritage) will help
keep you focused.
Incidentally, all our children and their original spouses and their children are
in the Apostolic Pentecostal faith today. To God be ALL the Praise, Honor
and the GLORY, in Jesus Name.

Another thing, the United Pentecostal Church was not around when Grandma
heard the message of Acts 2. It's the gospel that will save us. Dad held license
with the UPC for many years, and although the church he pastored worked in
cooperation with the UPC, the church was never affiliated with the organization.
He never "worshipped" the organization but always pointed us to Christ. He never
talked against it or criticized it to his eleven children.



Last edited by Falla39; 05-22-2010 at 01:23 AM.
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Old 05-22-2010, 01:03 AM
longhairgirl longhairgirl is offline
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Little Sister,
After reading your posts and also reading the responses, I had gone to bed,
but could not sleep. I would like to encourage you to keep looking to Jesus,
the Author and the Finisher of our faith.

Your main concern was for your children. God's Heritage! It was concern for
her three young children that caused my paternal grandmother to breathe a
sincere prayer in 1926. She lay dying of typhoid fever and her feet and legs
were already turning blue. The doctor told her husband, "Tom, LIzzie's dying!
See the blue on her feet and legs"! She breathed that desperate prayer,
IF YOU would see fit, would you let me live to raise my three children". She lapsed into a coma to awaken the next evening, her fever had broke and she was hungry and thirsty. God had answered this 28 yr. old mother's prayer whose main concern was for her three children. They were 8, 5, and 2 1/2 yrs. The 8 yr. old was my late father. He witnessed the doctor's words.

I mean no offence in saying this, but the original poster of this thread has no
children. All of my life, it seems that it was the mother's concern for their children that caused mothers to feel the need for God. It was not my beloved
grandfather who obeyed the Apostolic Pentecostal five yrs later when an old
white-haired preacher came to their small town and preached on the street
corner. She got mad at first at this new doctrine. She was so stirred she decided to prove the preacher wrong. She found he was right. She heard,
searched out, believed and obeyed the message. Her son, my father, was now 14 yrs old, obeyed also. I treasure this message from the Word of God
found in Acts 2. I was 18 when I received it. That's been a long time ago.
I attend church with three generations of our family. Husband and I have
been married almost 51 yrs. raised six children to adulthood. Between the
six, we have 20 grandchildren and one due in July. We had our first little
Great-grandchild in Feb. 2010. She is the beginning of the sixth generation
(on my father's side) since the Apostolic message came our way. Grandma
was the first of her family to obey it. You may be the first but it doesn't
have to be the last. Yes, teach those precious children to love the "gospel"
of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost will lead and guide you. That mother's love HE put in you to be concerned about your children (His Heritage) will help keep you focused.
Incidentally, all our children and their original spouses and their children are
in the Apostolic Pentecostal faith today. To God be ALL the Praise, Honor
and the GLORY, in Jesus Name.

Another thing, the United Pentecostal Church was not around when Grandma
heard the message of Acts 2. It's the gospel that will save us. Dad held license with the UPC for many years, and although the church he pastored
worked in cooperation with the UPC, the church was never affiliated with the
organization. He never "worshipped" the organization but always pointed us to
Christ. He never talked against it or criticized it to his eleven children.


Thank you for this I do realize that the church doesn't have to be "UPC" but that happens to be the only church that preaches truth where I live. Blessings to you also
Give me that old time religion!
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Old 05-22-2010, 01:32 AM
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by longhairgirl View Post
Thank you for this I do realize that the church doesn't have to be "UPC" but that happens to be the only church that preaches truth where I live. Blessings to you also
Little Sister,
The pastor of the church that my late parents founded, and we still go to
after after 52 yrs, is pastored by a UPC licensed minister. Our two eldest grandsons are licenced by the UPC. A younger brother (sibling) pastors a home missions UPC church also. We were taught to respect it, not worship it.
I think you understand. We love the good old USA, but we don't worship her!
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Old 05-22-2010, 02:03 AM
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by longhairgirl View Post
Wow! I was just forming a nice response to your last post in my head, and get on and see this. That's not very nice!

I won't stay long because this was not what I was looking for. I deal with enough UPC bashing everyday, I don't want to deal with it on the internet also I was looking for a like minded internet forum. I am a memeber of the Dave Ramsey TMMO, and I am frankly sick of all the getting around the no cussing rule and people being vulgar. But I knew I would miss the online community feel. So I find one that is called Apostolic Friends, and I frankly don't want to deal with explaining myself and my standards to people over and over all the time. Just don't want to deal with it, hope that's allowed

Now, for the nice response I was thinking. I wasn't raised in church, so I did study out each standard one by one. And it goes without saying that the inside is more important than the outside. The most important things any Christian can do is worship, pray, fast, and love others as much as possible.

I seriously didn't want to offend anyone on here. My original post was for the OP...possibly how her husband is feeling. I've seen what happens when one spouse leaves the church...usually the other spouse leaves also or the marriage ends in divorce. Sometimes, they can make it work but that is rare. Once again, OP I am praying for you
You should really stick around. This forum needs a more conservative voice and you offer inisght from that perspective in a most pleasing manner especially compared to many of the other conservatives that offer their insights here.

By the way, no one here doubts your sincerity or love for the Lord.

I have a question for you too. When your husband left your church, if he had really loved the God at that time, could he have done anything that would have convinced you that he still loved God short of coming back to your church with you?
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Old 05-22-2010, 02:14 AM
glorians glorians is offline
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Every church, whether oneness or trinitarian, protestant or catholics, islam or christian, believers or non-believers, atheist or theist... ALL HAVE STANDARDS AND RULES IN THEIR ORGANIZATIONS, SECTS, DENOMINATION OR GROUP....

There's a big difference when u say, I don't agree with such standard VIA I can't stand (obey) the standards anymore......

search within your heart which one is which then it'll be easier for you to now ur real state.

first things first.. then, i'll move on.....
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Old 05-22-2010, 02:26 AM
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by glorians View Post
Every church, whether oneness or trinitarian, protestant or catholics, islam or christian, believers or non-believers, atheist or theist... ALL HAVE STANDARDS AND RULES IN THEIR ORGANIZATIONS, SECTS, DENOMINATION OR GROUP....

There's a big difference when u say, I don't agree with such standard VIA I can't stand (obey) the standards anymore......

search within your heart which one is which then it'll be easier for you to now ur real state.

first things first.. then, i'll move on.....
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