Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
I'm not going to argue your point because there is room for you to be correct. You have demonstrated big heavy machines with impressive ability to destroy things but there is no clear cut evidence that we could move this stone or the three 800 ton stones that are at Baalbek and put them in position without harm. So there is room that my initial statement is right as well.
But we have different measurements on what is necessary to call another persons thought wrong and impossible and that is the pivotal point in this discussion.
Why haven't you tried "digging" for the truth on this matter?
Just for this machine to exist requires the CAREFUL handling of 45,500 tons of steel, electronics and other equipment. Every time this machine moves - empty - it must use some miraculous or alien anti-gravity device just to keep from rumbling the entire mass (45,500 tons) into the world's largest heap of scrap steel?. ???
Remove the trenching bucket/wheel and add a simple crane type sling and it can move your stones easily and as carefully as the operator was told to be.
You have to be a really hardcore alien enthusiast (or nephilim, or whatever) to try and stick to your original statement. You ought to sign up for Internet service and just google your theories around.
In 1991, the entire and intact Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved to another location 1/2 mile away. The lighthouse weighs 4,830 tons - far, far more than the Baalbek stones you described - all together! See the first picture below.
Sorry, maybe I'm being too harsh, but c'mon! Just one Howie Long GMC commercial moves payloads of similar size to those "impossible to move stones."
The last pic is a contemporary depiction of Egyptians moving an 800 ton colossus.