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Old 10-20-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: Isaiah 3 and jewelry...

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I might even come back to a UPC church if they start banning clothing on the sisters
That could spark a major revival!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 10-20-2009, 10:29 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Isaiah 3 and jewelry...

I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???
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Old 10-21-2009, 09:17 AM
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Re: Isaiah 3 and jewelry...

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Well, what's so funny is that I've been doing the same thing for several years now & am now thoroughly convinced that what we teach is right. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't teaching something wrong, as I would have to give an account if I do. I can honestly say that, according to His Word, God is against the literal adornments of jewelry by his people. By the way, who was the 1st one to wear "jewels"...while your in Ezek., perhaps you should quote that also.

Wedding rings are steeped in pagan tradition, & the practice was made a law by Pope Innocent III. Won't take the time here, but it's terribly pagan. And no, we don't wear watches either...before you ask. I, personally, do not like a neckties, but I see nothing wrong w/ a conservative tie, as part of a modest suit. The Bible only addresses "costly/modest apparel"...neither of which meager a necktie violates, but again, I personally don't care for them.
God Bless you
Keep studing, the Pharisee thought they were right in their teachings too. And in a way they were. But Jesus came and gave them a different perspective. They were looking for salvation (ie eternal life) in the scriptures, But Jesus told them the scriptures spoke of him. This is the differance Im looking to find Jesus, not eternal life. For is I find Jesus I will find eternal life.
You refer to Satan in Ezekial, again where did he get jewels? He did not get them on his own. God created him that way. You make it sound like God does not want us to have nice things. But God said seek me first and all these things shall be added to you.

As for paganism and tradition. many of the things we celibrate are steeped in paganism etc. The point is God gave Isreal Cannan but took it away when she sinned. was Cannan a sin? Same differance God gave Isreal jewlery and took it away when she sinned. this did not make it (jewlery sin)!!!!!!!

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Old 10-22-2009, 10:39 AM
rdp rdp is offline
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This is silly................

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
strange how folks can read passages like 1 Timothy 2:8-10 and 1 Peter 3:1-4 where we are told that jewelry, hair styles, and clothing are not the REAL adorning but we have a greater adorning from the Spirit within, and then selectively ban some of the stuff mentioned there.

Following is part of a post by Timlan from a couple of years ago about Marvin Hicks:

I don't know how embellished this story was but he has a point. It is really one of the best refutations to those who mindlessly and stupidly Polly-Parrot I Peter 3: 3 to condemn wearing a watch or other jewelry.

Here's the scripture in question:

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; (KJV)

Hicks told this anecdote many times in camp meeting messages.

After a camp meeting service he preached Hicks said a 12-13 year old boy approached him.

The boy said: "Preacher, do you believe in wearing a wristwatch?"

Hicks told congregations: "Well, he caught me redhanded. I had one on."

After Hicks told the kid "yes son, it's okay to wear a wristwatch", the boy said "well, have I got a scripture for you" and proceeded to tell the camp evangelist off.

After reading 1 Peter 3: 3 about the "wearing of gold" the boy began to lambast Hicks about preaching a camp meeting with a wristwatch on.

Hicks stopped the boy and calmly told him: "Son, read the rest of that verse. The part about 'apparel.'

The boy said "Apparel? What's that ?"

Hicks: "Son, that's your britches. That's the clothes you wear."

(I've pictured this conversation in my mind's eye over the decades ... it must have been hilarious in person.)

Hicks then told the kid: "Son, I'll make a deal with you. You're chewing me out for wearing a wristwatch and your scripture also says 'the wearing of apparel' in the same verse.

"So I'll make a deal with you, son. I'll take my wristwatch off if you'll take your clothes off."

Well, the kid didn't take the camp evangelist up on his offer.

This was some 30 years ago.

Looking on many pentecostal message boards, it seems a good segment of oneness pentecostalism is no less ignorant.
The actual Greek text says, "wearing of apparel, adorning." In other words, Peter is agreeing w/ Paul's teachings of not adorning oneself in the extravagant, showy, costly apparel. Do you HONESTLY believe that Pater was telling women not to wear clothes?

I know Hicks, & I've read this before. This is a logical mistake in apologetics. That is, if the best one can do is point out a PERCEIVED [seize on that word] inconsistency w/out dealing the other verses, then they're grabbing at straws!

Scripture doesn't cancel out other very plain Scriptures...besides, as I pointed out above, the Greek text literally refers to "adorning" in the verse.
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Old 10-22-2009, 10:49 AM
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Don't "wear" Canaan.............

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
God Bless you
Keep studing, the Pharisee thought they were right in their teachings too. And in a way they were. But Jesus came and gave them a different perspective. They were looking for salvation (ie eternal life) in the scriptures, But Jesus told them the scriptures spoke of him. This is the differance Im looking to find Jesus, not eternal life. For is I find Jesus I will find eternal life.
You refer to Satan in Ezekial, again where did he get jewels? He did not get them on his own. God created him that way. You make it sound like God does not want us to have nice things. But God said seek me first and all these things shall be added to you.

As for paganism and tradition. many of the things we celibrate are steeped in paganism etc. The point is God gave Isreal Cannan but took it away when she sinned. was Cannan a sin? Same differance God gave Isreal jewlery and took it away when she sinned. this did not make it (jewlery sin)!!!!!!!

Be Blessed
The Biblical FACT remains that satan was lifted up in connection w/ his jewelry, & I'll also add that satan was not a sinful human being [as we are] either, but a spirit being. Now, pls. show where God ever once condones the LITERAL [not figurative language, such as Ezek.....which also mentions "nose rings" & God's "skirt" by the way...hmmmm] ornamentation of His people:_____________?

But since you're advocating satan's jewels, do you believe that it's okay for a child of God to be "covered" in jewels as satan was? If no, what verses prohibit this:___________?
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Old 10-22-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: Isaiah 3 and jewelry...

It seems that we should consider everything we don't like to be figurative, and save the literalism for things we agree with.
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Old 10-22-2009, 01:46 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Don't "wear" Canaan.............

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
The Biblical FACT remains that satan was lifted up in connection w/ his jewelry, & I'll also add that satan was not a sinful human being [as we are] either, but a spirit being. Now, pls. show where God ever once condones the LITERAL [not figurative language, such as Ezek.....which also mentions "nose rings" & God's "skirt" by the way...hmmmm] ornamentation of His people:_____________?

But since you're advocating satan's jewels, do you believe that it's okay for a child of God to be "covered" in jewels as satan was? If no, what verses prohibit this:___________?
So God would speak of jewelry in a positive light, figuratively, but hates the stuff literally?
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Isaiah 3 and jewelry...

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
It seems that we should consider everything we don't like to be figurative, and save the literalism for things we agree with.
Does God literally wear a "skirt"? Hmmmm, indeed!
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:06 PM
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Re: Isaiah 3 and jewelry...

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Does God literally wear a "skirt"? Hmmmm, indeed!
Certainly not! (I don't like to wear skirts, either! )
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 10-22-2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: Don't "wear" Canaan.............

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
So God would speak of jewelry in a positive light, figuratively, but hates the stuff literally?
He was simply appealing to the inherent beauty of jewels as a reflection of the beauty of His Mercy. He was not literally wearing a "skirt," & condoning "nose-rings" [Ezek. 16].

Besides, this would violate the multitude of other God-Breathed Scriptures where He explicitly condemns this practice [Deut. 7:25, Ex., Hos., Ezek., Isaiah 3, I Tim. 2, I Ptr. 3, etc. ad nauseum].
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