Ferreting out the words of God from the words of men in the bible does not leave much. The bible, after this is done, looks a great deal like the Quran.......which is a highly interesting outcome.
Ah, Walks in Islam, you been gone for a while.
I still believe you are a front, although a good one!
I read you posts entirely different now. Much more humor!
Ferreting out the words of God from the words of men in the bible does not leave much. The bible, after this is done, looks a great deal like the Quran.......which is a highly interesting outcome.
Whether it is a highly interesting outcome matters not, to me at any rate. I have read some of the Quran. And what I did read was very good I just see Jesus As God and the one that gives life. In response to the bible not haveing much after the words of men are taken out, thats ok with me. much of the differances of opinions in religion deals with the words of men in my opinion any way. Here is a thought I was asking my self just the other day who decided what books are to make up the bible any way. Could be man has added a few books that did not need to be in there. The bottom line for me is the things anyone needs to find a relationship with God are in the book. And that is what it is all about in my estimation.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
This is where many get all tangled up. They think that the Bible absolutely has to be "perfect" and without contradictions or translational errors. LOL Only the original texts were inerrant, and we don't have those today. We have translations that are a Frankenstien patchwork based off multiple source texts for various passages. Sometimes one source text doesn't agree with the other. However, translators will tell you that the translations themselves are of the best quality available, so each text was taken for their respective passages.
The beloved KJV contains errors..one such is the mis trans lation of the word WORLD..as In Matthew 24:3
Mat 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
This mis translation has led many astray into thinking a ending of the planet is in store for our future,how wrong they are indeed..This word is AION or Age..What will be the sign of the AGE the disciples asked..Scripture speaks of only two Ages.One was the current age they {disciples} were living in,2-the age that was to come..which btw we today are living in..the New Covenant Age..welcome to the Kingdom!..btw for my mis understanding UPC friends,this life here now is NOT Heaven,there is still Heaven to go to when this life is over..your hope is still there
Y'all need to try reading Jesus Interrupted by Bart Ehrman. It will clear up some of these discrepancies.
BTW. It will give you undeniable evidence that the Bible is literally full of holes and contradictions. Metaphorically, its like taking one book of the Bible and making it fight to the death with another and neither surviving. Good Read.
I'm reading this book now. One of the discrepancies in the Gospels that it talks about is in Wii's list: In Mark, Luke, and John, Jesus rides into Jerusalem on one animal, a colt. In Matthew, it's two animals -- a colt and a donkey. Ehrman believes that it was written that way (picture it in your mind: Jesus riding on the backs of a donkey and her foal at the same time) in Matthew's gospel so that the messianic prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 would look like it was fulfilled.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.
It seems that the writer of Matthew misunderstood this prophecy to be a list of two animals, rather than an example of synonymous parallelism (saying the same thing twice in different ways) that was commonly used in the OT. Funny, when you think about it!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
right now i am reading a book called "Misquoting Jesus" it is an awesome book to the answer on who wrote the bible, who changed it and why. the kjv is not what it is supposed to be. it opened up my eyes to ignorance people in the church have. it is also written by Bart Ehram
searching for a deeper relationship with god please pray for me...thank you
I'm reading this book now. One of the discrepancies in the Gospels that it talks about is in Wii's list: In Mark, Luke, and John, Jesus rides into Jerusalem on one animal, a colt. In Matthew, it's two animals -- a colt and a donkey. Ehrman believes that it was written that way (picture it in your mind: Jesus riding on the backs of a donkey and her foal at the same time) in Matthew's gospel so that the messianic prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 would look like it was fulfilled.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.
It seems that the writer of Matthew misunderstood this prophecy to be a list of two animals, rather than an example of synonymous parallelism (saying the same thing twice in different ways) that was commonly used in the OT. Funny, when you think about it!
"and" is some times used in Greek to mean "even" so He could have ridden in "upon an ass, even upon a colt the foal of an ass."
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
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