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Old 06-16-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
That's my take. I think someone on his staff either fed him the joke without the info, and he neglected to dig deeper, or they outright lied to him about which girl it was. He's just not that stupid. He's been on the air for years--he knows the rules. Kids are always off limits.
Another point that I was meaning to bring out - He is also in a ratings war with Conan O'Brien. This was a perfect set up to keep him in the news over O'Brien since he took over Leno's show. It's not a secret that Leno and Letterman have been rivals for a long time.

So, I can see them talking about how far they can take this and how they can try and clean it up. Masterful work on their part - many people fell for it!

Last edited by Pressing-On; 06-16-2009 at 05:07 PM.
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Old 06-16-2009, 05:18 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

Oh, sweet! Here's where Letterman got his "sincere" apology! Sweet!

Letterman's Palin Joke Costs CBS an Advertiser, Spawns Campaign for His Firing


McLean-based hotel chain pulls ads over Letterman joke


WORD, Abigail!!! WORD!!!
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Old 06-16-2009, 05:56 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if he gets fired. It's time for him to retire anyway. And the joke was tasteless, no matter which daughter it was aimed for.

I just think when we critique people we should do it fairly, without jumping into extreme positions, lest we also look like wacko extremists. And personally, I've said some stupid things in my lifetime, things I didn't always think through very well until after they were flying through the air.

As for the content of his show--he doesn't use any rougher language than Rush Limbaugh or Neal Boortz, so if that qualifies as "sleaze", you should probably turn off talk radio.

The points that I would AGREE with are those of several feminist groups who have been attacking DL because of his remarks--but to address misogyny would be to malign most of television, which is sadly chock full of slurs and images that continue to devalue and sexualize women in our culture. That is a much bigger battle to fight, and DL is not the one leading the assault.

We live in a country where breastfeeding a child in public can be seen as overtly sexual in nature, and offensive to puritanical (and liberal!) minds everywhere, but SNL can make a skit about Bristol Palin having sex with her own father, and no one writes letters about firing the entire cast of SNL!!!!!

I'm with those who object to foul jokes and slurs about women, and those who want to restore normalcy to normal bodily functions and family relationships. I have no problem at all putting DL into the group with the rest of those perpetrators who demean women with tasteless, crude jokes.

But I'm simply not going to call the man a pedophile if he's not. It's disingenuous, hysterical and completely irrelevant from the conversation.
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Old 06-16-2009, 05:56 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
He's all of the above!!

Seriously, he's just a part of Hollywood with no conscience or scruples. That's all that is - they DO NOT care!

I watched a news clip of a liberal "women" reporter questioning - "Why in the world would Palin be mad that she was called a "slut". I've been called a "slut" and it doesn't bother me."

I need an "airhead" Smilee right about now!

I'm going to run and throw a steak on the grill! Viva la BBQ!
Amen! Make mine medium well!

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Old 06-16-2009, 06:17 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

If Lettermans taste in humor passes your "smell test" of right and wrong I question whether you have the ability to discern. His vernacular is offensive. And the "thought she was the 18 yr old" statement doesn't make me a bit of difference. What was it again Dave??? Oh yeah, she was "................(umm hmm it was disgusting)" in the seventh inning by ARod. But unfortunately it appears his boss Les Moonves couldn't care less. You remember Les dontcha? He happens to be Don Imus's boss too. WELL WELL, Dave gets a pass because.........because he's not a shock jock???? Nope, let's not kid ourselves. We know why.
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Old 06-16-2009, 06:21 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

Anyway, Sarah says allright. The liberal "The View" has called you out. So on we go.
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Old 06-16-2009, 07:17 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

Originally Posted by John Atkinson View Post
Agree with you there. Typical liberal pundit tactics. The guy KNEW that the only daughter in NYC was the 14 year old. What a creep.

They took Don Imus off the air for his comment about the basketball team, but they won't touch this clown for saying something just as bad or worse.
Don Imus talked about African Americans (a protected minority) and covered by "political correctness" and "hate crime" status.
Anyone can say anything about white conservatives and their families, spouses, and children and it is OK.
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Old 06-16-2009, 08:12 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if he gets fired. It's time for him to retire anyway. And the joke was tasteless, no matter which daughter it was aimed for.

I just think when we critique people we should do it fairly, without jumping into extreme positions, lest we also look like wacko extremists. And personally, I've said some stupid things in my lifetime, things I didn't always think through very well until after they were flying through the air.
I don't view the call on this one as a wacky extremist view - in the least. It has merit. Sometimes we can't stand in the middle in order to just fit in with everyone.

As for the content of his show--he doesn't use any rougher language than Rush Limbaugh or Neal Boortz, so if that qualifies as "sleaze", you should probably turn off talk radio.
Limbaugh and Boortz may use some language, but they don't push the sexual tone like they do on late night talk shows. And I rarely listen to talk radio.

The points that I would AGREE with are those of several feminist groups who have been attacking DL because of his remarks--but to address misogyny would be to malign most of television, which is sadly chock full of slurs and images that continue to devalue and sexualize women in our culture. That is a much bigger battle to fight, and DL is not the one leading the assault.
I beg to differ. Many, and especially the youth of this country, tune into Letterman as they did Jay Leno. I read an article, during the Bush campaign, that stated the youth get their views from the late night talk shows and Hollywood movies. That is one big reason that Obama made an "unclassy" appearance there. He was and is appealing to the dumb-downed ignorance of the youth of this country.

We live in a country where breastfeeding a child in public can be seen as overtly sexual in nature, and offensive to puritanical (and liberal!) minds everywhere, but SNL can make a skit about Bristol Palin having sex with her own father, and no one writes letters about firing the entire cast of SNL!!!!!
There have been pieces written about the incest joke. Mainly, people expect total trash from SNL and that is why I think they didn't get as much heat. It's like the Enquirer magazine - many just ignore the headlines.

So far laughs have fallen flat on the joke. In the skit, the SNL crew played as the media saying that because they have no proof Todd Palin had sex with Bristol Palin and the 5-month-year-old baby that it could in fact be Todd's. I find the skit a bit over-the-top and writers at SNL should probably be a bit more careful before doing such skits.
I'm with those who object to foul jokes and slurs about women, and those who want to restore normalcy to normal bodily functions and family relationships. I have no problem at all putting DL into the group with the rest of those perpetrators who demean women with tasteless, crude jokes.

But I'm simply not going to call the man a pedophile if he's not. It's disingenuous, hysterical and completely irrelevant from the conversation.
I don't agree that it is NOT relevant to the discussion. It has been relevant in the discussions between Palin and Letterman. Therefore, it's relevant here as well.

The main point to the conflict is that Sarah Palin was able to voice her opinion, speak for women, young women particularly, and how they are being exploited in this country. Kudos to her! She is pretty, intelligent, efficient and conservative. She is growing more respect every day.

The media doesn't report things like her having 14 ethic charges against her. It doesn't tell that she fought every single charge and WON!

So, on this issue - it's good for the country to have a voice. She is perfect for the task! She needed to bring the conversation to the "pedophile" issue. She needed to land that in the laps of all Americans to stand up and say - "YES! I am with you on that!" Even if Letterman actually didn't lie about mixing the girls up - it still needed to be addressed, because it's young women. And, YES, him going that direction makes him look like he agrees with pedophilia! I believe he will think twice from now on!

Another good thing comes out of these confrontations and problems. We have a new poll by Rassmussen saying:

A new poll released Monday found that, even in the Age of Obama, there has been a "slight increase" in the number of Americans who call themselves conservatives, outnumbering self-described liberals by a 2-to-1 margin.

The new findings that self-described conservatives continue to represent "the largest ideological group" in the country were consistent with other surveys over the past five months.

Go, Sarah!!
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Old 06-16-2009, 09:11 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

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Old 06-16-2009, 09:58 PM
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Re: Palin Furious At Letterman.

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