Originally Posted by LUKE2447
Alot of people of all races and faiths have really good people. So why would it be any different from someone who simply says I agree with this andstill be a good person? Being a good person and following a philosophy does not save you. Many people of all religions have had experience of change for a higher purpose and for the good of man and set aside many things. People who justify truth by numbers due to XYZ belief makes ABC good person not saved is unbelievable. Also please define living for the Lord. What by human wisdom? What justifies you "living for the Lord" to negate scripture.
All I need to know is you deny baptism is for remission of sins and when the atonement of Christ is realized. To me that shows me how far you have had to go in your logic. Few things will I say are hardcore doctrine and I will not make exceptions to and baptism is one of them. You really have to do a lot of negating of scripture and it ususally is due to other doctrines that influence this. All doctrine have a vien of reasoning and most that are against baptism in that way usually are follow the same course of false doctrine.
Listen very closely: I do NOT believe in "Easy Believism" which basically states that all you have to do is say a prayer and you're saved. I believe in genuine repentance. If one has not repented and surrendered their life to Jesus Christ, then I don't care how many times they were baptized, even in Jesus' name or how often they speak in tongues.....no repentance, no salvation.
I have never negated baptism. I believe that the scripture commands baptism and everyone who truly repents and is justified is to be baptized in obedience to scripture. We're having 4 get baptized this morning in response to last Sunday's message. I always baptize in Jesus name.
Sam hit it right on the head. We're not talking about GOOD people. We're talking about GODLY people who have given their lives to Jesus Christ and many of them speak with tongues and have received the HGB and live for God.
We're not talking about "spiritual" people who have had some type of awakening or spiritual experience. We're talking about people who have had an encounter with the Almighty and are as obedient as they know to be.
That is a far cry from someone who blatantly rejects God's word.