Originally Posted by deltaguitar
It is not a misunderstanding. There are baptist who teach incorrect doctrine concerning new birth, eternal security, and other points of doctrine.
Better believe it!
The problem is that you can be a baptist and live a holy godly life and follow all the commandments and put your faith in God and if you don't follow Acts 2:38 you are damned.
That is correct as if you are not baptized you are not going to be saved. If you do not repent you ar not going to be saved. If you do not recieve the HS you willl not be saved.
True faith will always be accompanied by the fruits of the spirit and righteous living. Quote all the scriptures you want about following God's commands and it doesn't uphold your doctrine over historical Christianity.
You really want to go here? You know little about historical Christianity and if you did you would know you are wrong on baptism and the consistency of holy standards toward dress, adorment and many other things is not on your side. So if you want to go for it. I will meet you right in the middle. Do the early church fathers have every teaching correct? No! It is interesting what I do see though in many cases!
Luke, you try to take the weakness of people and attribute it to the Gospel message. No one has quoted Martin Luther or John Calvin. The scholars that you boast about are overwhelmingly against your positions anyway.
No, I am pointing out how failures of man have hurt peoples understanding of the gospel. Nobody needs to qoute them the mindset behind posts screams doctrines that have flowed from them.
Many scholars agree with one thing and many another. Again the Bible is the main source scholarly works are important and bring depth to discussion but it in itself does not define the Word the Word defines itself. The problem is "faith only" mentality and other improper doctrine concerning faith have been built off them. It does matter as much of how people view the Bible today and how it has been translated has been shaped sadly by these men.
Also, the bible does not contradict itself. If it says faith and believe then we have to try to understand what that means. To you believe doesn't mean anything unless accompanied by Acts 2:38. Faith is the proper response to the gospel. To you that is cheap, weak, and greasy grace. To me it is the most powerful message ever told.
Never said it did. Why yes
Acts 2:38 is part of what it is to believe. You repent, you get baptized and you receive the HS. Is that all of the gospel of Christ? No! Also faith is a proper response to the gospel but that is not all faith is. THat is where it starts but not where it ends.
You can't even understand my points of cheap grace. Again read the points and you might get it.